Transfer 4 Week 3

First of all, I'm absolutely exhausted (like a wave of exhaustion just crashed violently over me) so if this email doesn't make any sense, now you know why!
First of all on a random side note before we start! We finally have a new light bulb in our bathroom, which means, no more showers in the almost dark! Yay! hahaha. 

We had the most amazing miracle this week! I was on exchanges with Sister Lau (Hong Kong) and we went up to the Square and someone asked us if we were available and we had like 3 hours on the Square and so of course we said yes! Sister Barrett said that the Flag Pole was just about to start but she felt like he needed his own private tour where we could focus everything we had on him and so we did! He was just about to walk out to go to the Flag Pole and then his phone rang and so looking back on it we knew that it was meant to be.
His son is a convert and his wife is seeing the local missionaries back in California very frequently and even went to church last week and really enjoyed it! He studied world religion, grew up a strong Christian with very strong faith in Jesus Christ. He had read 1 Nephi before, knew a little about Joseph Smith in which we helped his understanding and clarified a lot of things for him throughout the tour as we went to the Temple Model, the Tabernacle talking about prophets and modern day revelation from God. He believes the Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ, but not sure how to accept it in his heart, has a very good knowledge of the scriptures and loved how we clarified that the Book of Mormon and the Bible truly do work together. He even encouraged/supported his son to join the church. Wiht all of these things you can see that he not only wants this but has truly been prepared to hear what we have to share. We are so excited to talk to him and teach him more tomorrow!

Kaley has finished the Book of Mormon! And from what she said she really understood it, a few things confused her but that is always to be expected. (I certainly didn't understand everything the first time I read the Book of Mormon). She is doing so well and you can really see the difference in her from when we first started talking to the point where she is now. she even said today "I can see how they are meant to fit together. I did find myself thinking that a lot of the people who criticize the LDS church claim that the Book of Mormon is damaging to the Bible. I cant see that at all. Its 'almost' a book which is basically saying "go back and read the bible and stop changing random parts of it". " What?! It was so awesome, she's so great! her faith is really strengthening and developing and even though it is taking time it is so wonderful to see how the word of God is changing and softening her heart.
Simone is constantly incredible! Which is so exciting he is progressing more and more as he continues to read the Book of Mormon, he went on holiday this week but emailed us a little here and there and now that he is reading the Book of Mormon he wants to see the local missionaries again! He told us this week that he knows the Book of Mormon is the word of God and it only makes sense that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God! When we asked him he was like "DUH!" (in Italian of course) It was pretty funny!

So many miracles and so many children of God taking those steps to come unto Christ through the Book of Mormon, even logically it all makes sense, there is no possible way that this can't all be true, there is no way whatsoever. It's just not possible! The Book of Mormon is another Testament of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith did indeed see God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son, and they called him to do a marvelous work which has blessed and will continue to bless the lives of millions!
We had Zone Conference this week which was totally and completely amazing! It was so inspiring and wonderful and I can't wait to get out on the Square and apply everything I learnt and to study the things I felt inspired to study. I have really been doing all I can to listen to the promptings of the Spirit and I really felt like I did that this week, my prayers/questions were answered the Spirit told me things that weren't even relevant to what was being talked about, and I know that is because I have a Heavenly Father that loves me and knows me so perfectly!
After Zone Conference, President Poulsen pulled Sister Turro and I aside and sat us down, he turned to me and... I got some pretty hard news from home... It took me a little to register what he had just said, at first I was in absolutely shock and then it hit and I just found myself in tears, not knowing what to think or what to say or even do... We went home (on the way back from Zone Conference) to eat dinner and as we left the apartment, and headed back to the Square, it started to rain ever so slightly. I had never felt so much love from my Heavenly Father, I was encompassed in that love so fully, those little rain drops to me where a His way of telling me "It's okay, I'm here for you, I'm crying with you right now, you're not alone" This little thing changed the way I see everything, no matter how bad it get's He is always by my side and I have relied on Him more than ever before in my life. I have constantly been praying in a way I have never prayed before, I have relied on the Atonement to strengthen me and support me and just help me do the work. I felt energized and ready to just go out and meet God's children that need the gospel! We have what they need and I can't let anything stop me from doing this work I have been called to do. As I relied on the strength of the Lord I had a different type of energy and happiness, a different type of peace in my heart, I just wanted to go out and share the happiest message in the world with everyone! I don't know what it was but there is a real power and healing in the Atonement. I am not alone in this and as I put my hand in the hand of the Lord all will be well, as I look forward to the future with faith, nothing and no one will make me falter or fail.
I have the greatest person to ever to walk the earth, Jesus Christ by my side. I know that all of these things happen for a reason and that I am so blessed to be here on my mission even with everything going on. This work is more important than anything else right now, these 18 months go very quickly and they are only short, I need to make the most of the time given to me to be a representative of the Lord, Jesus Christ. He has personally selected me to represent Him, to do what He would have me do and to say what He would have me say. This work is too important to slack off and to not put 100% into it! Some days it is hard, obviously. But it is more than worth it, because we meet people and we have experiences that are needed for us to learn and grow and become the person that Heavenly Father would have us be. He knows us better than we know ourselves and as we humble ourselves and submit ourselves to learn the things He would have us learn and as we submit cheerfully through times of affliction it will all be for our benefit and I truly do stand as a witness that the Lord does visit people in their afflictions and that we need to humble ourselves enough to receive that love and support that he so eagerly wants to give us. He makes us stronger, he doesn't take the burdens away, but he makes us strong enough to bear them. I have seen this throughout my life and more than ever here on my mission.
"And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions.
And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord."
- Mosiah 24:13-15

I promise, no matter how hard times get, as you rely on the Lord, He will give you the strength you need, He will comfort you in the exact way you need comfort, He will carry us until we can walk by His side. We are never alone and that is something I have truly come to understand on my mission, I have an ever growing testimony of that. "When life get's too hard to stand, kneel" and I promise it will all work out, in the Lords time and you will look back on it and realize it was part of His plan all along.
Pray Always, Stand Strong, Keep Smiling, Let the Lord Help You in Times of Affliction, Go to Him, Let Him Heal You. (Jacob 2:8)
I love you all, thank-you for all you have done and the support you give to lovingly to me.
Love, Sister Ryan xx


At the Temple

They have started putting the Christmas
lights up, and it's August

What I do for about 9+ hours a week,
 Assign sister's to tours etc.
 & this week was so crazy! 

 Wall of Knowledge in Guest Services :)

Transfer 4 Week 2

I feel like this week didn't even happen, the mission is going by faster and faster and I don't like it! Soon enough I will only have a year left and that's just crazy!
This week was magical! Sister Magidson and I went on exchanges to go through the Temple with Jacque!!! It was a truly marvelous day and we felt so blessed to be a part of it. 
It was one of the most powerful times I have ever been to the temple and being able to experience this with her was so incredible! There were tears and many many smiles, I was so overcome with complete excitement, joy, peace and love.
If you had told us that Jacque would be going to the temple in August I would have laughed in your face and said "yeah right" but Jacque has done everything she could to come unto Christ and run back into His arms of mercy and love. Jacque was so incredibly beautiful, a beauty that is just unknown the world, it is a Heavenly beauty that is just so magical and wonderful. It has been an honor and privileged to be the instrument in the Lords hands helping Jacque come back into the arms of our Savior.  I know that Jacque is one of the reasons I came on my mission, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind whatever about that. We were friends a long time before the 8th of May, that I am also certain of. I must have made a promise to her in the pre-existance to help bring her back if she ever fell away and the Lord helped me fulfill that promise.
After the Temple we took photos and went out for lunch to the Lion House and it was incredible spending that time with her family, we felt like we were members of the family, joking around and having a great time! Just before we went to sit down and eat Jacque told me that when her Dad came I had to turn around/close my eyes and so I did, when she said so I turned around and saw Jacque wearing a Hot Pink Fanny Pack and she had her arms out and said "I'm Heeerree!!!" I just about died laughing! (if you remember the Fanny Pack inside joke/dream you will get this, if not, sorry!). It was seriously the funniest thing ever! She made the dream came true and I now have my very own Hot Pink Fanny Pack with a little Australia tag saying "I'm here!" on it! It was perfect, the perfect moment, Jacque is incredible and a very close friend and a big Sister to me now. It is incredible to see how the Lord has everything planned out to have certain people come into our lives at certain times, this is the Lords work and it is incredible to be the tools of it. It was such of a beautiful and incredible day! A day I will never forget!
This week has been a week of exchanges with the beautiful sisters in our District, Sister Hadzik (Germany), Sister Orndal (England) and Sister Hirro (Philippines), I learnt so much from every one of them and we all had incredible days together. 
When on exchanges with Sister Orndal we went out for dinner and then got ice-cream and then on our way to Deseret Book I got stopped and this girl started to call me by my first name and then asked me if I liked Adventure Time, I said yes and then she said "I follow you on Instagram! I knew you were on a mission, but I never thought I would actually get to meet you! you're basically famous!" and I was just shocked by it all and then she asked to take a photo with me and then she had to go, it happened so quickly and it was so random! Hahahaha. 
When on exchanges with Sister Hirro, the day went by so quickly! We had a Youth Conference then a 10 minute lunch and then Guest Services and next thing we know it's 3pm! We got out on the Square and the time was just flying by, at dinner we prayed and asked Heavenly Father to see a miracle, that through our faith and efforts we will be able to help someone and see that miracle on the Square. Not long after that we saw this lady and her little girl on the Square and felt strongly we needed to go talk with her, so we started talking to them and it started off with just a general chat "What should we see?" "Where is..." type of thing and then we started to talk about what we do as missionaries and about our families and the church back home in our own countries and religious heritage and we were talking for quite sometime, we were open with each other and I felt so strongly we needed to ask her if we could keep in contact and she was more than excited to keep in contact with us! She thanked us for the time we spent with her and her beautiful little girl and for the work we do, we offered to email her some uplifting videos and share more about what we believe and she was so excited to learn more! It was the miracle we had prayed for. Heavenly Father heard our prayer and through our faith and efforts it happened. The Lord truly answers prayers and blesses us according to our faith! After that moment I truly understood what Ammon was talking about in Alma 26: 11-12, 15-16. 

"But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.
Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.
Yea, they were encircled about with everlasting darkness and destruction; but behold, he has brought them into his everlasting light, yea, into everlasting salvation; and they are encircled about with the matchless bounty of his love; yea, and we have been instruments in his hands of doing this great and marvelous work.
herefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel."
This is how I felt, I was so overcome with joy and peace and love and just rejoicing in my God for all He has blessed me with, to be an instrument in His hands and to do this work of His. I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the day! The best part of my day was when I was on my knees thanking Heavenly Father for the blessings and opportunities given to me. It was really the best feeling! I seriously can't describe it, I was so happy, energized, ready to get back out on the square even though it's night and the square was closed, but exhausted all at the same time! With everything that has gone on lately, I feel like I haven't been myself completely, that something has been lacking from who I usually am and yesterday it all flooded back! Sister Ryan is back and better and stronger than ever bearing testimony and stating our purpose more passionate and burning brighter than ever before! but not because of anything I did! But because the Lord has blessed me with this strength to do this work which is His and not my own. I have done all that I can to give my all to Him, because as Ammon said "I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.".
Everything I do on my mission has been made possible because of my Savior Jesus Christ, I love this work so much, yes, it is hard, but it is truly the best thing I've ever done in my life! My mission has changed my eternity and changed others as well, Everyday is another testimony to me that these things are so true, that all things are possible in Jesus Christ through faith, that Heavenly Father knows me so perfectly and He has a plan for each of us, that He answers prayer, that The Book of Mormon is physical evidence of the Restored gospel of Jesus Christ. All these things!
The gospel of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith has so much against it, the world is constantly trying to pull it down! But nothing can stop truth, absolutely nothing, the truth will always be opposed but it will never falter. As each day passes I come to understand more and more, and there is no possible way these things are not true. No way at all! And as a missionary, as a representative of Jesus Christ I get the blessed and wonderful privilege of declaring that truth to the world.
Thank-you for everything, I love you all. 
Stand strong and Stand true, No matter when or how much the world tries to drag you down, just remember you have the Lord by your side to help pick you up and stop you from sinking in the waters of the world as long as you let Him.
Love, Sister Ryan xx


A ridiculous photo of
Sister Turro and I walking home
 saturated from the massive
 storm we got caught in.

Photos from Jacque

Photos from Jacque

 Jacque and I

 "I'm Here!"

Transfer 4 Week 1

Well, well, well.... 
This week is the start of the new transfer, the transfer I will hit both 5 and 6 months on the mission, the transfer that is 1/3 of the way through my mission and it's CRAZY!
First things first...
Transfer Conference: We got there and we were waiting and it was tense, we had no idea what was going to happen, and all of us sisters in tiny little room anxiously waiting to find out our new assignments, companions, appartments, for this transfer.
Sister Turro and I had a feeling we would be together but at the same time we had no idea... They called Sister Turro's name "your companion is... Sister Ryan!". Though we had a terribly rocky start last transfer I was actually so excited to know we were still companions and I know that transfers are so truly inspired. We didn't have to move (YAY!) but we have a new assignment! "Sister Ryan, Temple Square Guest Services", Yep I'm in Guest Services! which means nothing to you unless you served on Temple Square, hahaha. Basically what we do is we book the tours (busloads of people or Motorcoaches we call them, VIP, Hospitality, investigator lessons for the missionaries in the Salt Lake area, etc) that come to Temple Square and different things like that and it is so much fun, I was scared that I wouldn't be able to be much of a missionary there (we are only there for 3 hours every now and then) but even in my first day we had people call up for information and we were able to teach them a little bit and it was so cool! We get to assign the tours for different Sisters and look at all the schedules and stuff, I love it so much! It is needed for a bubbly, energetic organized freak like myself, so this assignment is perfect!
The weather this week has been crazy! It's getting better now but at the start of the week it was shocking! We go outside and it got really windy all of a sudden and then is slowly started to sprinkle and the motorcoach we were waiting for came and then all of a sudden is bucketed down full of rain and it got really wet, really fast! We got everyone in the shelter part of the tabernacle and then we tried to figure out what to do with limited umbrellas and a massive group of people, we tried to get to the tabernacle, we gave our umbrellas to the guests and then we ran (though we are not meant to run on the Square) to the Assembly Hall to get on with our tour, by this time I look like I just walked out of the shower with my clothes on and we get there and the power is out... we called security and they said that all the buildings on Temple Square power is out (except the few emergency lights in the Tabernacle) we waited to see if it would stop, at this moment the rain is so heavy there are mass waterfalls happening off the sides of the Tabernacle and so we did the same thing and the guests had the umbrellas as Sister Turro took her shoes off and we all ran inside to the Tabernacle. We got inside and shared a little bit about the building and what it was used for and then we had the acoustic demonstration and while Sister Turro and I were sitting down we could literally wring our clothes with how wet we were and we did our absolutely saturated hair in quick braids to look a little more professional, haha. We ended the tour and send them off and the rain lifted a little (it was still pretty crazy), we went to get our stuff but of course the power was still out and the mission offices were so dark! we tried to find our way around to get our stuff and everyone but a few of the leaders pretty much went home early. It was so crazy! and this type of weather hit a few times this week (and the temple just re-opened! I feel sorry for the poor brides and their wedding photos...) but the power hasn't gone off again, just the crazy winds and rain. Yay for almost Autumn (fall, whatever) time! Haha!
Our investigators are doing awesome! Sister Turro and I are really focusing on those who are ready and progressing, Kaley is feeling God more fully in her life and Simone (our Italian miracle) is so incredible, he is reading the Book of Mormon and just loves it, he has great insights and is just so amazing, he always makes our day when we get an email from him! Jacque is going through the Temple tomorrow!!! Sister Magidson and I are so excited! It's going to be so amazing and so full of the Spirit and so wonderful! If you told me when we met that she would be going through the Temple in August and I would be there to see it, I probably would have laughed in your face, but she has a flourishing testimony of the gospel and is so strong! She has become a best friend of mine and someone who has changed/made my mission! Jacque is one of my mission miracles and has made such of a massive impact not only in my mission but in my life. I love her so much and I'm so excited to be a part of this and to experience this part of her life with her.
And with everything going so incredibly, obviously the opposition is not happy and this week has been hard, with some news that has been hard to face, however Satan is just not happy that everything is going so amazingly! That my Mum is strong her faith, my brothers are working on coming back to church, that our investigators are doing incredibly, that Jacque is going through the Temple tomorrow! that Sister Turro and I are close friends now and are a powerful companionship! So much is happening in favour of the Lord and thanks to the Lord, and Satan is not happy and wants to tear us down, but it won’t happen, we will stay strong and I will get through this because trials turn into blessings, that’s something I learnt before my mission and I’m glad I did, because I am becoming a better Sister Ryan for this all, like Nephi, like Joseph Smith, like Alma the Younger, like all those who suffered and then were blessed before me. The Lord knows who I need to be and what needs to happen for me to be that person and if I have to go through hard times, bring it on because the opposition won't win and I will not falter, my faith is constantly increasing and becoming greater and stronger than ever. There is power and healing in the Atonement of Jesus Christ and if the Lord has to carry me a little bit, then so be it. "The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear; till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done". 
It is impossible to not feel the Spirit when you work in the shadow of the Temple. With all of this happening, I truly know that I love this work so much and nothing is going to stop me, I will continue to let my testimony shine bright, I will continue to share the gospel with all those I meet, even if my companion has to translate for me, I know that Jesus Christ lives and is my savior, that families can be together forever, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and we truly do receive inspiration and revelation from God, for ourselves and also through a living prophet.
I love being a missionary, I love being an instrument in the hands of the Lord, I love knowing that I am loved and known by the greatest and most glorious being in the universe and that He knows me so perfectly and individually, I love knowing this is not my work but the Lords and I need to make the most of every opportunity given to me, I love knowing that miracles have not ceased and as we put out faith in Him, all things are possible according to His will.
I will not fall, I will not falter, but I will battle valiantly until the end, because it is worth the battle, this is eternal life we are talking about, people need what we have! Which is the greatest of all joys, knowing that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored and we can live with our Heavenly Father again. The opposition will never win the war, sometimes battles get hard but in the end it will never overcome, light will always over come darkness! When we are at our weakest and we feel that we can not push on anymore, that's when the atonement kicks in, that's when we find the strength to push a little further, to smile and to be grateful in those hard times because they make us better.
I don't know if I'm even making sense because I'm simply just typing what is in my heart but I love my savior so much and I know we are never alone.
I love you all and thank-you for everything.
Never forget to smile, a smile has so much more power than we realize, tell someone you love them, hug someone, do something to brighten someone's day because I promise it will mean the world to them!
Much love, Sister Ryan xx

Transfer 3 Week 6

Last week we had an awesome Zone Activity where we got to clean the chapel at Capitol Hill, it is such a gorgeous chapel! It was so awesome being in a normal chapel building again and seeing Young Women's rooms and Primary Rooms and seeing the bulletin board with who is on missions and who got their call, etc. I think that's one thing I really miss; being in a family ward.  
After the activity we got pizza, wrote letters, did German braids in our hair, and watched Rio in one of the apartments, which was lots of fun. Seriously, watching movies has never been funnier until you watch it in a room full of Sister Missionaries from all around the world and hear so many gospel related jokes like "ETERNAL FAMILIES!" "THEY JUST NEED THE GOSPEL!" "THE BOOK OF MORMON IS A GOOD BOOK!" it's pretty hilarious!
We are teaching this girl Kaley from England over email at the moment and she is so awesome! We didn't even invite her to go to church, just asked her if she has ever been to one of our services and then we get an email saying that she went to church! It was so awesome! It was a little confusing she said and she was so nervous but the local missionaries really looked after her and now she wants to go back when she gets back to Uni which is so exciting! and Simone (from Italy) who we are also teaching over email is seeing the missionaries tomorrowand is so nervous but we are so excited! He came on Temple Square and "it didn't make sense" to him and then he found Sister Turro's Facebook and then her mums and then we got his email and been teaching him ever since and he is so awesome, really taking everything on. I love the work we do and none of it would be possible without the Lord by our side!
On Sunday we had a special surprise we were told about that morning, there was going to be a special concert for the mission, but at7:30pm... who was going to look after the Square?! well... we went and then later found out that Sisters that had previous served on Temple Square were covering our desk assignments! They had their tags on and everything, it was so awesome! Josh Wright came and played for us and it was so incredible. I love knowing that Heavenly Father has given us everything we love, every note of music, ever colour of the leaves, every letter to create the words we type or speak, every beautiful rain drop on a bright yellow rose, every emotion of joy and love and everything! whatever it may be, he has given it to us because He loves us so much! It was a really revelatory experience, I really enjoyed it! My mission has given me such a greater appreciation for classical music, and I'm loving it!
This week 2 of out almost progressing investigators dropped us which is sad. One of which we invited to be baptized and he said yes, and so having him drop us was a complete shock and the other wants to do this search on his own because he "has all the necessary tools" and will "call/text us when he wants to learn more"... which breaks our hearts because you put so much effort and love into this people and you just want the very best for them, because you love them the way Christ does and you want them to have all the blessings of the gospel! but I loved something Jayme sent me in his letter this week and I don't have it with me so it's probably wrong the way I'll say it but "a fire ball missionary comes when an investigator says no" and it's so true! Because then we put all that we have into it and it makes the difference, but we have to accept their agency and remember that we have all been given the gift to choose and hopefully they will accept eventually down the road and they just need a little more preparation.

Sister Turro's language skills are so wonderful and constantly improving, she has an incredible talent. With every language tour we take, mainly in Italian and French and as her language skills improve, the gift of tongues for me (in the way of understanding) is improving also, I may not be able to speak, but I at least know/understand what is going on when then Spirit is there and able to be more fully involved and simply flow off what Sister Turro say's in whatever language and I love it so much! We haven't taken many English tours because everyone speaks English and the demand for French and Italian is higher then other languages with the amount of French and Italian speaking Sisters we have here, but it has been incredible and makes me have such a great appreciation for the gifts that have been given to us as individuals to help the work hasten on!
Sister Tui'nukuafe and I took a group of Youth around yesterday that got their "mission call" to Australia! and had companions and everything and so we got to talk about Australia and the church growth in Australia and everything like that, it was so awesome talking to much about home and involving it in missionary work and encouraging the youth to serve and answering their questions and helping them prepare, we got them sweet little "Temple Square tags" with the flag beneath and they loved it so much! It was super incredible! 
Then today we had a Youth Conference and John Bytheway was the guest speaker, he comes a lot but today was the first chance I've had to hear him and so it was really cool! He was talking about us coming unto Christ now, and not in the future. It was really insightful and full of revelations that definitely change the way I look at a few things and how we can help some of our investigators in coming unto Christ.
Jesus Christ isn't waiting for us to be perfect, he wants us how we are so he can bless us and help us and so that we can become "perfected in Him", he wants us in all of our brokenness, so that he can heal us and help us become who He knows we can become as we unlock our greatest potential.

"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness,and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and ifby the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." - Moroni 10:32

This work is so true, and as many people has told me this week "The Church is true and the Book is Blue!" 
I love the gospel of Jesus Christ, I love the Book of Mormon, I love knowing that Jesus Christ church has been restored on the earth today, I love Jesus Christ and I love the Atonement and how powerful it is, I love how it changes peoples lives and helps them more fully understand life and love and everything else, I love the way it strengths and heals people, the way it gives us so much strength, peace and joy. 
I love being a missionary more than ever! Because we get to share the happiest message in all history! This is the greatest work in all history and I feel so blessed and honored to be a part of the Lords greatest army of missionaries in all history and it continues to grow, truth continues to roll forth and it will forever!
Stay strong, Stand true, Keep smiling and Come unto Christ now, don't wait.
I love you all,  Sister Ryan xx


Sister Orndal and I with
 German braided hair

Youth Group from Boise with the Aussie "Mission call"

Transfer 3 Week 5

This transfer has seriously flown by, when they said it gets quicker and quicker I didn't realize how true it was until now, and I've only been out for a few very short months! But at the same time feels like I've always been a Temple Square Sister Missionary, which is an awesome feeling, we may have the smallest geographical mission in the world, but realistically, the world is our mission and I love that so much! I love meeting people from all over the world and helping them come to a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This week will be a smaller email than usual, a whole bunch happened (but at the same time, not really..), I continued to be Mum for Sister Turro as she recovered from her wisdom teeth extraction, giving medication, making sure she rests enough and making sure she doesn't eat anything she shouldn't etc. So there wasn't too much time on the Square until later this week, which has been really great now that we are back in action. We have met a lot of great members and people who have served in Australia or are from Australia and it's been really awesome talking about how much better the burgers are back home (pineapple, egg, beetroot, cheese, onion, lettuce, etc), how beautiful it is and how much they miss it and want to go back. Some even know some of my friend because they live where they served or served with them which has been pretty awesome. The world is such a small place when you're at the head quarters of the Church.
HAPPY PIONEER DAY FOR YESTERDAY! (It's a Utah thing), as a mission we got to go to the parade as well, which was so awesome and so much fun! The only Parade in the world that would start with an opening prayer, it was so epic! I love being in Salt Lake City! I loved seeing all the floats from Stakes around Salt Lake City areas and all the marching bands and how much spirit was in the parade, it was great fun! We even got ticketed seats paid for us by some VIP, which was so sweet and lovely of them whoever they are, so by the off chance you see this, thank you so much! I got so many photos and would have gotten more but my battery died 1/3 of the way through, but it's okay, it was so exciting there was so much happening and President Thomas S. Monson was in the Parade too! Which was super awesome!
This week even though we haven't been able to do too much was one of the best weeks we have had together in the ways of teaching lessons and different things, it has been really awesome to see our investigators work towards coming to know these things for themselves, even if it is only over email or the phone. Some are a little up in the air and one even almost dropped us recently, but I know that as we have faith all things are possible in the Lord and I really hold to that. Faith is so important, without faith, nothing happens, nothing works. Like in Ether"For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith. Behold, it was the faith of Alma and Amulek that caused the prison to tumble to the earth. Behold, it was the faith of Nephi and Lehi that wrought the change upon the Lamanites, that they were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost. Behold, it was the faith of Ammon and his brethren which wrought so great a miracle among the Lamanites." - Ether 12:12-15
It is through faith and through doing all that we can, we see those things happen, we see the gospel change their lives, no matter how familiar or not they may be with it.
Nothing "incredible" is happening at the moment, no people are on date for baptism or anything like that, but people are reading the Book of Mormon, they are praying, trying to get to church, trying to recognize the Spirit and have these things in their hearts, and it's these simple steps that make a big difference when it comes down to accepting the gospel into their lives and wanting to make a difference in their lives by coming unto Christ through Faith, Repentance, Baptism, receiving the Gift of The Holy Ghost an Enduring to the End.
I look around Temple Square and I see the thousands of people that come a day and I look and just think "these are all my brother's and sister's, these are all children of God and they all need the gospel of Jesus Christ and I have been called to serve here as a missionary because He trust me enough to bring them back to Him in someway or another" these people are prepared, some people just need a little more time than others to have their eyes completely opened to the gospel. But I know that not a single effort is wasted. Because it may be our testimony that touches their heart and when they get back home and have the missionaries knock on their door, they will open it an accept it because of the Spirit they felt here on Temple Square.
The work is hastening on more than every before! I know that the church is true with all that I have, that through Holy Temples families can be together forever, that it is His plan for us, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith was called as a prophet of God to bring forth the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days, that modern day revelation is alive and well, that we have a living prophet Thomas S. Monson on the earth today and that God will continue to reveal his word always through Prophets. All things are possible through our savior Jesus Christ and noting will stop the work from pressing forward! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and our prayers are not only heard but answered through the Holy Ghost. I know that God loves me by the way the roses bloom, by the blue of the sky, but the green of the trees and the birds that chirp and fly around the beautiful grounds of the Temple, the love I feel when I count the many blessings I have been given in my life no matter how great or how small. I know that no matter what we go through we are never alone, the Savior is always by our side and He understands us and knows us perfectly. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all, I hope all is well, Keep smiling, Stay amazing. 
Sister Ryan xx


PANCAKES! which was
 Sister Turro's first solid food!

Sister Turro and I at the Parade :)

Pioneer Parade

Pioneer Parade