Transfer 7 Week 7

I may not be in the beautiful land of Australia, but it's a warm winter here in sunny California, Vegemite on toast for breakfast, TimTam slams will come later today with REAL Milo! and there is a family that lived in Aussie for a 4 years and they are having us over for dinner and Family Home Evening, I'll be well looked after, and yes. I'm reppin' the Green and Gold! 

Last week of the longest transfer of my life and it still went by super quickly! 
To be honest, besides amazing lessons with our awesome investigators, nothing really happened, but it was a great week! 

So a couple of weeks ago, Elders put flour on our car, needless to say we were SO MAD and they offered to pay for the car wash, keeping in mind we just recently got the car washed and it was zone conference coming up and that means car inspections and so we were super mad! But, tender mercy of the Lord, a man payed for our car wash and so we told them they didn't have to worry about it, but they were desperate to make up for it, so we said fine, make us some cookies and we will call it even, they said "done!" we were not really expecting anything.... BUT THEY DID IT! and they were really good, make from scratch by the elders, so sweet. All is well in Zion.

We have a couple of exchanges this week that were filled with laughs, getting lost, taking the wrong turns, being late for appointments because of Cali Traffic... and milkshakes and other wonderful things, I haven't laughed this much in a while and it feels good! Laughter truly is the best medicine. 

I read a talk today in the Ensign (from forever ago) about Joseph Smith, It is called "Stand by my Servant Joseph" It was really amazing, I really got to thinking about my testimony of Joseph Smith and what it means to me and how I make the most of that every day of my life. 

I read the following statement and it really got me thinking about this "The Holy Ghost is eager to confer this sustaining knowledge upon us because the testimony of Joseph’s work and mission is key and central to our testimony of the knowledge that is most important of all: that Jesus is the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer,the literal living Son of our living Heavenly Father."

My testimony of Joseph Smiths goes far deeper than I know that he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, that he translate the Book of Mormon, and that he was called as a prophet to open this last dispensation, the fullness of times, a time where God would restore all things, but it encompasses my testimony of my Savior. 
I think about how I obtained my testimony and relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ and it was through the Book of Mormon, and we have that because of Joseph Smith. 
He went through so much, his life and sacrifices have created a legacy of faith for every one of us, the world has been changed by this man and the world doesn't even know it. Joseph Smith could NOT have 'written' the Book of Mormon, it had to come from God, this I know to be true. 
The Book of Mormon is too perfect to come from an uneducated farm boy. The Book of Mormon is the most ridiculed and persecuted book in the history of the world and it still stands! He went through so much, he sealed his testimony with his blood, a man would not have made all of this up, he couldn't have, and if he loved God that much, he simply wouldn't have. I don't worship the man by any means, but am I grateful for how what he under the direction of the Lord, changed my life? Absolutely! 

I love this gospel and for all the things it has given me, I love my Savior Jesus Christ and I am so grateful for his perfect awareness for every single one of us. 

My invitation to you is to read the Book of Mormon and have in your mind, could Joseph Smith made this all up? If you want to know that it comes from God, I know by asking that question you will have it answered very quickly. 

Sister Ryan 


 Cookies the Elders made

                    and our Whiteboard
            read blog to understand these pics

Happy Aussie Day :) 

Happy Aussie Day :) 

Transfer 7 Week 6

I can't believe it, it's all flashing before my eyes! 

This week was really hard, but also really incredible, filled with spiritual insights and miracles. 

We found 3 new investigators this week, Armon, Azadeh and a referral Reece. They are all incredible and really searching these things out to know for themselves, they have either come to church or a fireside and it's been awesome to finally see the work coming alive! Each of them was a miracle and tender mercy of the Lord, and I'm so grateful to know the Lord trusts me with these beloved children of His. 

It was to the point I started to doubt why I was here in California, it didn't make sense with everything that was going on... But the Lord is in every detail of our lives, and I set a goal to read The Doctrine and Covenants before March, I'm currently very much ahead and in D&C 107. The other day I was up to section 100 after not having read any the previous day, and it was a day I was feeling miserable and just unsure. then I read verse 4 which said; 
"Therefore, I, the Lord, have suffered you to come unto this place; for thus it was expedient in me for the salvation of souls." 
and it hit me and I knew in that moment that I was sent here for the salvation of souls, this is the Lords will and I will accomplish it if I am faithful and cleave unto Him.  It was incredible and then reading verses 12 & 15
"Therefore, continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end.... Therefore, let your hearts be comforted; for all things shall work together for good to them that walk uprightly, and to the sanctification of the church."

It was an incredible experience and one that meant so much to me, it really showed me the Lords awareness and His will concerning me and my calling to do this work, where ever it may be.

I was also praying and asking the Lord for help, telling him my doubts and stresses and then the scripture came to my mind Alma 26:27
"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions , and I will give unto you success."
In that moment I really understood how Ammon and his brethren felt, they wanted to go home, I wanted to leave California and go back to Temple Square, but the Lord comforted me, the way he did with that scripture and after that, I did see success and we saw miracles with our investigators. I lived the scripture and it was the coolest experience ever! I really did understand where there hearts were and how it felt, and then the incredible joy that came from the Lord after that! 

The work is amazing no matter where you are, it's different, but amazing and now I know why I was sent here to California (for more reasons than I possibly have the time to write) and I'm excited and ready to make the most of my time left here. I love it so much here, it's been an incredible learning experience, everything else is a far away dream, this is the life and it's the best. 

I love this work, I love the Lord and I love His Restored Gospel. We have EVERY reason to be the HAPPIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! so let our light shine before the world and lets show everyone through example how truly happy the gospel of Jesus Christ makes us! I know as you do, you will see people change and you will be able to help them also come closer to Christ, simply because of your example. 

Love, Sister Ryan xx 


Texas Snowball Fight Zone Activity, so much fun! 

This is Sister Tui,
 the best Mini Missionary every, love to to bits! 

This is Sister Tui,
the best Mini Missionary every, love to to bits! 

 (I will have a mission album of just Squirrels one day, they're so cute!)

(I will have a mission album of just Squirrels one day, they're so cute!)

Contacting this morning

Texas Snowball Fight Zone Activity, so much fun! 
not everyone came, but it was a good turn out. 
             FLOUR EVERYWHERE! 

Contacting this morning 

Transfer 7 Week 5

This week was an awesome week, besides the whole Sister Martin and I getting sick thing (it's okay we are a lot better now), it was a great week! 

This past week during my studies I have really felt so much closer to my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have felt his love and His perfect awareness and knowledge of me. Even from the smallest things. I know that he is my friend and that He walks beside me, just like given in Doctrine and Covenants 84:77 
" And again I say unto you, my friends, for from henceforth I shall call you friends, it is expedient that I give unto you this commandment, that ye become even as my friends in days when I was with them, traveling to preach the gospel in my power;"
On Friday we got a Mini Missionary joining with us and she is awesome! Sister Tuivailala (Sister Tui), she is such a sweetie and full of fire, just ready to go out and change the world with the gospel. Ready to learn and soak in the whole experience. It's been a great couple of days!
On Saturday we had the incredible opportunity to hear from Elder Quinton L. Cook, Bishop Gerald Causse and Elder Brent H. Neilson. It was a Q&A type meeting and there were some incredible things said by all. 
The main topics were setting goals, studies, the Holy Ghost, consecration and leadership. Something I loved what they said was related to Doctrine and Covenants 97:8 - "Verily I say unto you, all among them who know their hearts are honest, and are broken, and their spirits contrite, and are willing to observe their covenants by sacrifice—yea, every sacrifice which I, the Lord, shall command—they are accepted of me."
Sometimes we are scared that we are not doing good enough but through this and what was said I have come to know that Heavenly Father measures success on what we are willing to do and give to the work, not the numbers in the end. His area book is different to ours, he knows the hearts of the people we teach and come in contact with and he knows our heart and what our desires are and so this brought  a lot of comfort to my heart, because sometimes we have hard weeks, but in the end it's okay. He understands perfectly.  

There are so many things that I can't possibly write them all with the time that I have but in the end Elder Cook got up and bore his testimony and he said something that struck my to the very core and I knew what he said to be true with all I have, he said concerning the Savior, Jesus Christ. "I know His voice and He leads this church". Even now just typing the words the Spirit fills my heart. I knew at that moment that He is truly called as an apostle of the Lord and that goes for all the prophets, seers and revelators of the church, as well as other church leades. Apostles are truly a special witness of Jesus Christ. It was something that I pray I never forget, my testimony grew tenfold in a  matter of seconds from those few words he spoke. 

This weekend we also had a special Stake Conference which presiding was Elder Brent H. Neilson and again, excellent things were said and one thing in particular stood out to me when Elder Neilson was speaking, he talked about the fishes and loaves and how Jesus sent his disciples out to collect the left overs, after having fed thousands, he said that "His grace is sufficient, and there's leftovers". We can never use the atonement too much, it is infinite and grand, the sin is to not use the atonement the way intended. No matter what shortcoming or fault, He is there for us to pick us up, to feed us, to gather us in his arms. His grace is sufficient, it will never end, it is endless and there are still left overs. 

Having pondered the last 10 months of my life on my mission, I realize how much I have learnt and grown and how much learning and growing there still is to do and I realized that my testimony, knowledge of the gospel, my conversion, my relationship with my Savior, use of scripture, prayer and the atonement has increased so greatly that just can't be put in to words and I am so grateful for it, for this opportunity I needed to become more of who the Lord knows I can become. 

I love my Savior, Jesus Christ and I know His gospel and Restored church, the Book of Mormon to be true and if you don't know, I invite you to find it, find out for yourself from a loving Heavenly Father who is just waiting to open the Heavens with an answer as soon as you are ready to act, and when you ask. He will answer you because the heavens are open to everyone. I know it to be, I really do, and I leave these things with you in His name, even Jesus Christ, amen. 

Love, Sister Ryan xx


Happy 10 Months at Chik-Fil-A! 

Happy 10 Months at Chik-Fil-A! 

Transfer 7 Week 4

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I can't believe it's already 2015! 

This past week was the best week we have had together (Sister Martin and I) we saw so many miracles from contacting and met a lot of really awesome people, had a lot of really great street lessons and it was just great!

This week I truly understood how the Lord speaks to us through the Spirit, so many times this week I said things that I would never have the courage to say, simply because I opened my mouth and the Lord filled it with what He would have me say. It was incredible to witness and it gave me a testimony of the power and authority we do have as missionaries of our Savior Jesus Christ. There is this one guy we talk to all the time at the Park (Rob), who we have taught and read the Book of Mormon with, he saw us the other day and we got talking and then it led to us inviting him to be baptized and he said he already was... The Lord said through me (because I wouldn't have said it) "By what authority?" and he said the priest's and then I asked, "and where do they get their authority?" he was stumped and then we continued to teach him about baptism for infants as given in Moroni 9 and he was totally good with it! It was incredible! We are going to meet with him again just to see how sincere he is soon and teach him more before we pass him off to the respective Elders, due to him not being YSA sadly. 

We also got a new investigator that we will be seeing soon, Jobina! we met her contacting at a shopping center and we sung Joseph Smiths First Prayer to her and she was almost in tears and allowed us to teach her more and give her a Book of Mormon, she recognized how good it felt as we sung and taught and we bore testimony that the good feeling she was having came from the Spirit which was bearing testimony of the truths we taught and now she wants to get her Mum involved! All of this because we have last minute dinner plans and decided to contact near by! The Lord is in EVERY detail of our lives, without a shadow of a doubt! 

We met a woman and her husband last night contacting once again, she has scars on her face and a deformed left hand, but she has just spent a lot of money on food for the homeless, she shared her story and expressed her faith in Jesus Christ and we shared that because of Him, she will become perfect after this life which she knew and gave her great joy, she was a women of such faith and a Christ-like Charity that I have never behold in someone ever before. We shared the Book of Mormon with her telling her that through it, she would come closer to Jesus Christ, she took it and just hugged it as if it were a child and she didn't want to let go with tears in her eyes and it was just the sweetest and most tender moment. A look that I will never forget. Her taxi came and her helped her and her husband load everything into the car, we told her to go as we didn't get time to get her number. she said she would and leave a donation and I said "no, no donation, we only ask that you go and send missionaries to yourself so they can teach you more about the Book of Mormon" she said she would, gave us both a hug and before we knew it they were gone. Never before have I met someone for such a small period of time and desired there getting to the Celestial Kingdom so badly! I know I will see her there, because I know her Spirit has already accepted the truth of the Gospel and that gives me great peace. 

This week I finished the Book of Mormon! It was my goal to finish it by the end of the year and on the 31st December in personal study I did it! I started it the 29th September and I did it with wanting to gain a greater testimony of it being another testament of Jesus Christ. As I read, I marked in yellow every time I saw a name of our Savior and now looking back I love seeing how much yellow is in my Book of Mormon! I know that it is another testament of Him. I know that it is a true record of God and tells of the divinity, ministry, power and everything else the Savior has.  As i knelt in prayer I just felt a warmth spread throughout me and I knew it was the Spirit and I know with all I have that it is true. I felt like I had never read it before, though it was my 3rd time reading it last year. I love the Book of Mormon and I invite all to make a plan to study it every day, go to the Lord and pray about it, He knows what you are capable of, he knows you perfectly! I know you can do it, and I know that if you desire it, you will gain that testimony of truth. 

I love you all, thank-you for everything. 


 what are Sister Ryan's weekly photos without a selfie 

The Korean Food

Dinner with Ann (LOVE HER SO MUCH!
 she is awesome and the Korean food was incredible!) 


The view from our Appartment,
 so pretty, I love Palm Trees! :) 

My accidentally awesome photo, when I was trying to take a picture of a squirrel
and the Squirrel! I love them, hehe :) 

Drawing while my companion was resting