Transfer 9 Week 4

There is really not much to say about this week, but there was a few random moments here that made up our week. 

We took the sweetest Norwegian family on a tour, Sister Christensen passed-off! We went to the Lion House, had Explore day! We watched the new initiative Because He Lives (which is incredible!), met incredible RM's from the Nashville Tennessee Mission, But something happened, that taught me so much and that I too be honest am still learning and grasping more understanding as I write.

Last Saturday we met a man who was traveling from the East Coast for a convention, totally a normal thing! Got chatting and then he said "I was hoping to attend a sacrament service tomorrow if possible" Of course we just about died because that NEVER happens and so we got the information for him and we got talking, he wasn't by any means expecting a religious conversation, even though he even said "which is weird, because I'm here!" we shared some things about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon and then made a time to meet the next day. We were in communication and after Music and the Spoken Word we met with him. We sat down and went over the Restoration and even invited him to be baptized and he said YES! It was so amazing and the Spirit was so incredibly strong, we went to church with him, which was a really cool experience for us, again, this never happens! He enjoyed church and was excited to hang around Temple Square the rest of the day until he had to catch his flight back. This was incredible, an absolute miracle! We were so excited to keep in contact and we finally got to call him today! We talked and the more he was talking the more I realized... hold on... he is dropping us... My heart hasn't broken like that in a long time... I felt like I had never been dropped before and this was the first time. He loves the church, loves what we do and our standards and what we believe... but he doesn't believe in a critical part of the Restoration. It's hard, this week has been the lest successful week of my entire mission in the ways of lessons and investigators, I have had hard weeks before, but not like this. But something was said this week in our Zone Meeting and it was "You can count the seeds in the apple, but you can't count the apples in the seed."

It's hard, and just like Jeffery R Holland said "I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. We are The Church of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head. How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him? " Today I was reminded of this and of the Saviors Atonement, as all of these things happen in our daily missionary work, and I know that what I am feeling is just a small, even microscopic portion of what the Savior went through when performing the Atonement, he hurt for us He himself physically broken because of everything that He was experiencing for every single one of us individually. By going through these things, these feelings, tears, heart break, everything else. I am walking by the Savior at this time just as Elder Jeffery R. Holland continues to say "When you struggle, when you are rejected, when you are spit upon and cast out, you are standing with the best life this world has ever known, the only pure and perfect life ever lived. You have reason to stand tall and be grateful that the Living Son of the Living God knows all about your sorrows and afflictions. The only way to salvation is through Gethsemane and on to Calvary. The only way to eternity is through Him—the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

I know that by trusting in Jesus Christ and His Atonement that he so willingly and lovingly gave (John 10:17-18) I can find the path that He needs me to be on. Just like it was said in President Thomas S. Monson's talk last April conference. "...physically walking where Jesus walked is less important than walking as He walked." We in life will walk the paths He walked, of disappointment, temptation, pain, but we can also with Jesus walk the path of obedience, prayer, service, and we walk the path with him, "We will have no doubt that we are on a path which our Father would have us follow. The Savior’s example provides a framework for everything that we do, and His words provide an unfailing guide."

We may not understand everything and I certainly don't but I know that as I strive to reach out to my Savior, to call outcry out to Him, He is here with me. He is on my side and I will know and feel of his love, as I pray with all I have, as I study the scriptures, ponder them and have them be a part of me I will come to know how the voice of the Divine sounds and feels like. (Make the Exercise of Faith Your First Priority - By Elder Richard G. Scott). And I find comfort in the promise given that "He came from God as a God to bind up the brokenhearted, to dry the tears from every eye, to proclaim liberty to the captive and open the prison doors to them that are bound. I promise that because of your faithful response to the call to spread the gospel,He will bind up your broken hearts, dry your tears, and set you and your families free. That is my missionary promise to you and your missionary message to the world."

I have faith in this promise and I have seen it come to pass many times, I am so grateful for the Atonement and how everything is simply an appendage to it. Without the Atonement of Jesus Christ, everything we have would be meaningless. I am coming to understand that more and more as every day passes by. I love my Savior so much, I am willing and ready to give all I have and it's hard but step by step and through the Atonement, it's happening. I am so grateful for a gospel that allows imperfect people to have a hope in Christ and in Eternal Life which will be given to us as we "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end" (2 Nephi 31:20). As I use the Atonement and continue to unlock doors I never knew existed, as I do all I can to seek and find the Savior and have that even greater relationship with him. 

This isn't at all how I planned my email today but if anything I needed to write it to receive the revelation I did, as I go through this time in my mission, and it is my prayer and it was able to help you also. My invitation to you is to seek Him out, really discover, embrace and and share the blessings of Jesus Christ Atonement, and 2 ways you can do this is 1. Checking and 2. Really praying, studying the Scriptures and pondering about how you can come closer to Jesus Christ and what action steps to take next. 
I know that as you do this, things will be unfolded into your view in a way you never expected, be open to it because the Lord works in mysterious ways! And when those things happen, if it be hard or easy, it will be glorious and a wonderful lesson learned. 

Love, Sister Ryan xx


 Explore Day 

More from Explore Day 

Lion House Dinner, I love this companionship so much! :D 

Lion House Dinner, I love this companionship so much! :D 

More from Explore day,
It's like my first transfer all over again! 

                More from Explore day,

Transfer 9 Week 3

It's that time of week again! - not sure if what I will write will make sense, but here we go!
This week there was a lot more spiritual and emotional growth that happened then anything else, it was a crazy week! But we had Zone Conference, which is always amazing! It was incredible because it was all centered on the Atonement and Consecration. It was incredible being able to hear Sisters testimonies of the Atonement and how it has helped them in their lives, knowing how we can testify of it to our investigators and those we meet on the Square.
The Atonement truly is "the central act of human history, the pivotal point in all time, the doctrine of doctrines." It was really made evident to me that without the Atonement all else in life would be meaningless, which makes sense as it has been such a central thing in my mission as I feel every transfer I discover and open at least one new door to the Atonement. Another amazing thing talked about in Zone Conference was understanding how we can be more fully consecrated in our missions by having purpose focused discussion.
Sister Christensen and I set a goal to only talk about P-day topics, on P-day, and to have our hearts and minds centered on the work at all times and to help each other out with that! It has been hard, but a really incredible experience and when they talked about it in the Zone Conference I knew the goal we had set was truly inspired and that we were on the right path. It's not easy, but we have been able to see little miracles here and there because of that, also we have grown so much closer as a companionship and have greater unity because of it.
However there is a price.... and that is what I learned this week, actually just yesterday...

When we are on a good path, when we are giving everything we can and have to the Lord, that is when Satan tries to come along and tries to tear you down, because he knows how great you can be if you give everything and put it on the alter of sacrifice! He knows what power comes from a purpose centered and consecrated missionary, he knows the miracles that can he had, the happiness and success and the eternities that can be changed because of this. So naturally, we we know he wants us to be miserable like unto himself (2 Nephi 2:27). He has been attacking from every angle, making good things and turning them into doubt and fear and confusion, it was really hard and I wont go into the details, but suffice it to say that I am surprised that I still had makeup on after a good talk with some other Sisters, that through that I was able to receive some revelation concerning the situation and some guidance concerning the matters that were clouding my mind.

I know this is a very different email to what I normally send, but the reason I am saying all of this is to testify that Jesus Christ is our Savior, that His atonement is real and infinite and we can constantly be discovering and opening new doors of it every moment of our lifes, He is the Prince of Peace. Also, we as members of the church have been blessed to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, as Joseph Smith said “No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelations." The Holy Ghost has so many roles and for me in my life it has two main roles, especially on my mission, 1. Comfort (John 14:27) 2. Guidance and Revelation (D&C 9:7-9, 6:23, Moroni 7:13,16-17, 1 Corinthians 2:9–11, John 14:26, 2 Nephi 32:1–5 etc, the list goes on).
It is so incredible to know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know us so perfectly, I know that the Lord knows he needs to prepare me for things so that when the time comes when it is truly important, I know how to apply what he has taught me through these past experience, that he knows me through my Patriarchal Blessing, which is always a guide and comfort, even if it is just one new sentence that stands out when you read it! I know that they knew me for eternity before this life and I was with them, that is how they are able to help me in all that I do. Just like it says in the hymn 'Count Your Blessings', "help and comfort give you till your journeys end".
I was on exchanges this week with the most amazing Sister Missionary I have ever met, she is incredible and from Kiribati, she has an incredible story and has such strong faith and love for the Lord. We were talking to a member on the Square and then there was a text to take a movie in 15 minutes, we were already there and so we said we would take it, so the time came and it was a lovely father and daughter wanting to see Gods Plan for His Family, as we went through it and as we ended, sharing our feelings about it all and sharing personal stories about family, friends, mission, illness etc. I realized that there was a reason we personally had to take them, we needed them as much as they needed us in that moment. It was a moment where "Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together." perfectly came to pass. Then something was said that I think will change me forever, the daughter was talking about an experience in her mission and she said someone told her something that stuck with her and it has and will for me now to, she said "We preach the Gospel of Faith, not fear!" 
I am excited to let this profound saying change me into a more faithful and fearless daughter of God, I know that "perfect love casteth out all fear" (Moroni 8:16) and that as I remember the love the Lord has for me and as I show my love to Him, by having my eye single to the glory of God and to this sacred work we have been called to, fear will be cast out and I will have a greater hope and abiding trust in the Lord. It's going to be hard and it has been, but I'm excited for it and to reap the fruits of these lessons I'm learning.

I love the gospel so much, I don't understand how anyone who believes in God and believes the Bible can say that this is not true. This truly is Jesus Christ Restored gospel on the earth today, through a living prophet, just as powerful and amazing as the prophets of the Old Testament. You only have to read the scriptures and pray to know, it all makes sense the the blueprint is the same (What Is the Blueprint of Christ's Church? - Elder Tad R. Callister), The Book of Mormon truly is a means by which we can more fully know our Savior as it is Another Testament of Him. I love being a missionary and doing this work, it is an honor and privilege to know that we as missionaries represent the greatest being to ever walk the face of the earth at this time, where the gospel is so needed in a world of chaos and turmoil. What peace it brings to those that heed the words of the prophets, seers and revelators!
I love you all, thank-you for all you do. Stay Strong, Keep Smiling, Love the Lord.
Love, Sister Ryan xx 


                                        Happy St. Patricks Day from Sister Christensen and I 

Transfer 9 Week 2

I don't even know what to say about this week, so much has happened!
We have found many new investigators, taken a lot of tours, talked to a lot of people, been with Jacque, had ice-cream at Farrs, went to the Temple, Music and the Spoken Word, saw Sister Pockrus' Family!, had crazy companionship studies where we couldn't speak and did jumping jacks to try and calm us down, TimTam Slams, set goals, taken some amazing and not so amazing chats, learning about our new assignment, CELEBRATED MY 1 YEAR ON THE MISSION! everything! 

I Love Training! Sister Christensen is the best, we have learnt and grown so much together, in all aspects of the work. She is an absolute power house and I know why the Lord put us together, we are the perfect combination and we were a match made in Heaven!... literally, I know it was inspired of the Lord that we were to be companions, I learn so much from her every day, some times she is the one training me, which I knew would happen, but I didn't realize to what extent (Sister Magidson, I'm sorry for never believing you, now I get it!, haha).
The Lord has blessed us with so many incredible miracles and I know it's because we are giving it our all, we are literally trying to give everything we have and put it on the alter of sacrifice and it is really hard and sometimes we fail, but it has been an incredibly rewarding experience for what we have been able to accomplish through faith and love in the Lord. We have met 4 new investigators in the last week and they have all been so beautifully prepared by the Lord. (Alma 16:16)

Just yesterday we met this incredible man, who was a pastor for different denominations for many years and now feels lost and empty and hasn't really had any sort of religion in his life for about 2 years, he noticed how a co-worker of his lived her life and found out she was Mormon, and now everything he has ever known about Mormons he is finding out was completely false, he has studied all of and different things and had very few concerns and the concerns he had we nothing to really be concerned about, just a little more understanding was needed. We taught the Restoration to him today and he was really leading the lesson, he was asking what was next, he was the one leading into the next points, asking questions about what we believe about prophets and things, explained perfectly to us about how so many religions came about and has such great faith in our Savior, more than all of that, even before we started the lesson, Sister Christensen invited him to be baptized and he said yes! It was eaily one of the best lessons I have had over the phone in my entire mission. He was prepared by the Lord for the last 30 years to receive the gospel at this exact moment, and now he is starting to see the plan that Heavenly Father has for him and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a massive part of that! I could just feel the Lords love for him so greatly as we taught him and I know there was things said that didn't come from me, but came from Him. It is such a blessing and priviledge to know the Lord trusts us so much with our Brothers and Sisters that he would allow us imperfect and young missionaries to teach people who have been in ministry longer than we have been alive such important things such as the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon. 

And there are many other incredible people we have met, who we know will enter into the waters of baptism as they come to know the truthfulness of the message we share.

I can't believe I have been on my mission for a year! We went to the temple this morning and as we were sitting in the celestial room my heart filled with gratitude for the opportunity I have had to serve this past year on Temple Square and also San Jose California, where both places I have learned so much and become just a part of what Heavenly Father needs me to be. I love being a missionary so much and I never want it to end, I never want to leave Temple Square and take off my tag. I love knowing I can promise these people blessings that come from the Lord and being able to help them come unto Christ in a way that is so essential. Everything from the schedule, to the gift of discernment in being able to help them in the way that is needed because you are so much more available to spiritual promptings as you pray specifically for these children of God.  I don't think I could even begin to write down all the things I have learnt this past year, and to think I still have 6 more months of learning to do! 

It is just a great comfort to know that I may not have a tag on my shirt/cardigan whatever when I get home, but I will always and forever have one in my heart. I love being a missionary, especially here on Temple Square, where the spirit is always so abundant and bright! 

Please know, if nothing else about me, that I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ lives, and loves us all so much and so individually, that he atoned individually and one by one for every one of us. That Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ, that the First Vision really happened and he was called as a prophet of God, just like Abraham, Noah, Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Moses, etc. and what an amazing thing that is that we have a living prophet on the earth today, Thomas S. Monson. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and truly a record of ancient people here in the Americas, it changes lives and answers questions of the soul. The Temple is the House of the Lord and a place we an feel home, no matter where "home" might really be. I can't even begin to express my love for the gospel and the way that not only the gospel, but even just my mission has changed my life. 

I love you all, sorry it's no long email like the old days, Outbound changed my email style, haha. 
Plus I might have something wrong with my hand so I don't want to type too much. It will all work out. 

Love, Sister Ryan xx 


Photos from Music and The Spoken Word

Transfer 9 Week 1 (Part 2)

I get to email twice this week, because my P-day has now changed.

I'm back on Temple Square and I just feel so at home, seeing the white mountains covered in snow coming in and there is still snow on the ground from a couple of days ago! Seeing the Temple for the first time all over again, you can never get sick of it's beauty! It feels so good to walk in the shadow of the temple again, to feel that spirit and to teach and to testify the way I have my whole mission in the frequency we can here. The first person I saw, I just was so excited to talk to them member or not, I feel like a new missionary all over again with that new missionary fire that burns ablaze in my heart, had a lady tell us even today (who was not a member) that she can see the passion we have for what we believe in through our countenance and it was incredible to hear that, now she is a potential investigator!

I just love being a Temple Square missionary so much!
Won't lie, I felt so lost when I got back, so much has changed! (which I was not expecting), but it's all really exciting to be able to learn and grow with my new companion who is fresh from the MTC!
We got back to the Square and made it in time for the trainers and new missionary announcements, my new companion is...Sister Christensen! Who has lived all over the United States, she is amazing! I have already learnt a lot and just love her so much! 
This companionship is so inspired! I can't even put it into words, she is incredible though and so willing and ready to learn and to try new things, to role play and to gain everything she can from this experience. In the meeting the new missionaries said what they wanted in a companion and she said "someone who can relate anything to the gospel" and I sure hope I can live up to that standard! Hahaha, so far so good! 

I was so scared to train when I found out, and though I still feel inadequate for the task, I know the Lord will help me every step of the way as long as I trust in Him, I will spend a lot of time on my knees this transfer I can see it now, and I am so excited for that! It's going to be the best learning experience I could ask for. Not that I have to do much, she basically came pre-trained! She has a burning testimony of the gospel and I can already see she is going to pick up all these things so quickly, she's adorable, what more can I say?

Leaving California was hard, and it doesn't feel at all that I said goodbye to Sister Jesson, Sister Pockus and Sister Mella just yesterday, feels like months ago! I'm just so grateful for all the experience and things I learnt while there though, I will never forget some of those very important things that I learnt, it was an incredible experience and now I'm living the next chapter of the story! 

Sister Christensen and I have already seen miracles in just the last 24 hours, met amazing people, new potential investigators, uplifted members, lessons set up with people, etc. 
I LOVE THIS WORK! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! It seriously is the best thing in the world, the best experience to prepare us for life and I'm so eternally grateful to the Lord for calling me where He has called me to serve. I know my call is inspired and that revelation is alive and well and that we can still receive guidance from the heavens! What a wonderful blessing that is to have in our lives. 

I love you all! Thank-you for everything!

Love, Sister Ryan xx 


 Ready to Leave California 

On the Plane going back to Utah 

 Ready to Leave California 

Transfer 9 Week 1

I can't believe the time has come and my three months are up! 
Being a part of the California San Jose Mission was such an incredible experience, during my personal studies this morning I pondered and wrote down all the things I have learnt in this experience and came up with 3 pages full (some spiritual, some funny), there is obviously still a lot more that I can not put in words, but this experience will always be so tender, dear and  held close to my heart and I am so grateful I got to be a part of it. 

I have learnt so much about my personal testimony, teaching styles, faith to #FindTheOne, how changing ones mindset can change everything, so many glorious and amazing things about the Atonement and how it applies in my life in a completely new way than it ever really had before (I have opened a new door to the Atonement), I have learnt what it means and how I can "Light them Up!" (The CSJM Unofficial Motto), to hear an Apostle of the Lord say that he knows the Saviors voice!, to serve and to work with members, to share messages with them and get them excited to do the work with us, to have the companions I've had, especially Sister Jesson and Sister Pockrus who I just love so much, they have been perfect for me and we have developed a friendship that will last the eternities, I know that we must have begged Heavenly Father for us to be companions in this life and He said we could, even though I would be else where serving Him and He made it possible.
Part of me is so sad to go home (to Temple Square), but the other part of me is also really excited to head back, to apply the things I have learned and to become a greater tool in the Lords hands.

This past week, we saw so many miracles! It was incredible and by far one of the best weeks of my Outbound experience... 
With the new mind set and goal of finding 6 new investigators a week, we reached 4! and though it's not 6, it's A LOT better than the 0's we've had the past month. 
The CJSM has changed a few things while I've been here, the vision and standards of excellence being some of those things and it is the new standard of excellence to reach 6 new investigators a week (1 a day #FindTheOne) 
All these beautiful daughters of God are so special and have been prepared in their own individual ways. Gidget, Jeamen, Cristina and Coral. 
I can't wait to see what happens, especially with Coral who now has a baptismal date for the 28th March! I found her when contacting at a Target Car park, we had split up to find and reach out to more people and I felt prompted to go a certain way, scared I woulnd not be able to see my companions, I knew I had to go, it was dark and scary, but I knew I had to heed the prompting, and there I found Coral and her son Jacob, who had just had car problems and couldn't talk long, but awkwardly said I would love to share a message about Jesus Christ with them and we exchanged numbers and she got in contact with us a week later and we met with her the next day! She was waiting out the front of her house for us to welcome us in! She is so willing and ready and there Spirit was incredibly strong in the lesson of the Restoration, we taught and we got to the part about the Priesthood and it all made sense to her and then she said "It makes sense, your congregations keep growing, and God wouldn't let that happen if it wasn't true, it has to be true" Right there and then I said "Coral, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone with this authortity?" and with her reply of "yes" Sister Jesson said "We will be holding a baptismal service on March 28th, will you prepare yourself to be baptized on that day?" and she said she will! She explained to us how she felt, this incredible joy and good feeling in her heart, she said she wanted to cry, but was holding it back. I want to testify that MIRACLES HAPPEN! And though I am sad to leave and she is sad that I am leaving, I will remain in contact with her and I look forward to being a part of her journey of faith and conversion. Jeamen also is amazing a young girl who just is the sweetest and funniest thing in the world, we are sure she will play a crucial role in the returning of her mother to the gospel. 

I love missionary work, I love every aspect of it, I love California. I love the Gospel and I love sharing it with everyone I see! I'm so grateful for this honor and privilege of serving the Lord and I look forward to becoming an even more useful tool in the Lords hands. There is power in the Book of Mormon! Read it, Pray about it. I KNOW you will receive your answer as you follow Moroni's promise with exactness.

The worth of souls is so GREAT in the sight of God! (D&C 18:10-15,16) I have caught the Vision of the California San Jose Mission and I'm taking it back to the Square with me and adding it to our Divine Obsession for baptism and conversion.
Love, Sister Ryan.


The Dynamic Trio Illustration by Sister Ryan

Sister Ma'u and I at Samoan Party 

Sister Gregorious (a lady we do service for,
 I love her so much, she is increidble!) 

Chick-Fil-A drive through! I love this companionship!

Chick-Fil-A drive through! I love this companionship!

Brenna (The Best Youth Ever!) 


Flag that I was assigned to make for Zone Training Meeting 

Flag that I was assigned to make for Zone Training Meeting 

Sun Rise Hike at Windy Hill 

Sun Rise Hike at Windy Hill 

Sister Pockrus and I 

San Francisco from Windy Hill! 

Transfer 8 Week 4

It's that start of my last full week in California! I can't believe how past these past 3 months have gone. I will go back to Temple Square not this Wednesday but next, it's exciting! but also really sad. 
There is so much that I will miss about Outbound, but there is so much to look forward to for when I get back to Temple Square. 

Today we had a special Sisters P-day for 3 of the Zones and went on yet another Sunrise hike! (they are slowly killing me, but also extremely amazing) It wasn't nearly as hard as Mission Peak, but still a great experience, we also had a big breakfast with crepes and waffles and fruit and eggs and then we had a mental and physical health devotionals afterwards, it was incredible. 

This past week we had Zone Training Meeting and it was so inspiring and uplifting, we got to speed teach and really refocus ourselves on our purpose as missionaries, by looking at it in a new way and likening it to the 2000 Stripling Warriors. The Zone Leaders also invited our companionship to make a flag which was super awesome to do with the mission and our purpose and then we all signed it as a commitment to our purpose, like a title of liberty, it was awesome! Everyone wrote a note for someone else about why they were a successful missionary (anonymously) and it was empowering and inspiring to see how people see us as successful and what makes us successful as missionaries. The note I received I will treasure forever, whoever wrote it truly was prompted by the Spirit as to what I needed to hear and it was perfect. There was also many other things shared about finding new investigators and such which I will explain more later, because I'm running out of time. 

I just love this work, I love being a missionary and I love being able to learn all these things and be able to take them with me back to Australia to help build the kingdom of God there. It's amazing what I have learnt and applied and who I have become because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and more specifically the Atonement he performed. I love being surrounded by people who love and live the gospel, having general conversations about topic not understood or accepted by the world, being able to develop reality to things that can sometimes be hard to understand or comprehend. 
I know the gospel is true and I know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ restored gospel on the earth today, the church He established when he walked the earth. The Book of Mormon is a testament to this and of Jesus Christ and I will hold that precious and dear to me forever,  in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Love, Sister Ryan xx 

P.S - No photos this week because I can't plug them in, but I will send them next P-day!