I waited 3 months for this moment, after long struggles in receiving my call, my assignment was finally made on Thursday October 24th 2013. I had been told that it should come 2 weeks after my assignment was made, Thursday November 7th came and no mission call, Friday was a public holiday and no mail on Saturday and Sundays. Monday November 11th came, I woke up early, got ready and sat looking out the window waiting for the post lady to come. 8:30 am came and I ran outside to greet the her, she gave me a parcel pickup card and I wanted to keep it a surprise for Mum, but she was taking way too long to come home, I rang her and told her to get home quick so we could goo to the post office, she came home and we rushed down to the post office, I got there and waited in line, The lady took the card and headed towards where all the parcels are, I saw an express post letter and I was thinking "that better be mine" she picked it up and gave it to me, I thanked her and ran out of the post office towards mum and screamed "IT SAYS SISTER!!!". My mission call finally came! And this is one of the most amazing days of my life.
6:30 pm came, and it's time to open my mission call. We set up Skype with my Auntie Ann and called my two best friends Brooke and Peri, at home we had Mum (Jayn), my two brothers (Micah and Jacob) and my boyfriend Jayme (Called to serve the Japan, Fukuoka Mission, Report to the Provo MTC December 10th 2013). I make sure everyone could hear me and then began to open my call, as I started reading and I saw "Utah Salt Lake City" I was absolutely shocked and completely blown away! I almost couldn't believe this was real and actually happening!
Dear Sister Ryan,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labour in the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission, it is anticipated you will serve for a period of 18 months.
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labour in the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission, it is anticipated you will serve for a period of 18 months.
You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center Tuesday March 11th 2014. You will prepare to teach the gospel in the English language.
I am so incredibly excited about my call to serve! I've always wanted to go to Temple Square and what a better opportunity than to serve The Lord in a place I've always dreamed of going.
I know that my call is truly inspired of a loving Heavenly Father who has a plan for me and I have been assigned to labour where he needs me to be. It is an honor and a privilege to be called to serve and I can't wait to be set apart as a missionary of the Lord.
Sincerely Jennadene Ryan
(Future Sister Ryan of the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission)
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