"My brothers and sisters, imagine what it would mean to you if you could see yourself as God sees you. What if you looked at yourself with the same benevolence, love, and confidence that God does? Imagine the impact it would have on your life to understand your eternal potential as God understands it. If you could view yourself through His eyes, what influence would that have on your life?" - Gerald J. Causee
"Don't worry about being perfect,
worry about being YOU"
And what you are is a precious son or daughter of a loving Heavenly Father, who wants nothing but the best for you, he wants to you to be happy, he wants to bless you, he wants to support and uplift you. You are the son or daughter of the most glorious being in the universe! And he loves you more then you anyone could ever comprehend. You are magnificent, wonderful, beautiful, look past your imperfections, look past self doubts, because when you do, you will see yourself for what your truly are.
The world will try to tell you, you're not skinny enough, not pale enough, not tanned enough, you haven't got the perfect smile, your hair isn't shiny and silky smooth. NO! This is not true! Because you are more beautiful than any photo-shopping and airbrushing can do. Those people in the magazines, those pictures aren't who they really are, the ideal doesn't exist, don't be caught up in trying to look perfect when it doesn't exist.
One of the reasons we came to this earth is to receive a body, it is a beautiful gift that every single one of us has been given, a beautiful gift given with love from our Heavenly Father.
One thing that truly changed the way I see myself is when someone said to me "When you call yourself ugly, you are mocking one of God's creations". This is true! and it really hit home. I suddenly realized what I was doing and how damaging something as simple as calling myself "ugly" could be and I have carried this with me, ever since.
One of my all time favourite Mormon Messages is Our True Identity by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, this talk changed my life and the way I see myself, whenever I feel self doubt creeping up on me, I remember this talk. I encouage you to watch and listen, and you feel feel the love of the Lord in your heart. (CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK)
You are Incredible, no matter who you are, where you're from, no matter what your story. You are a child of God who loves you, remember that, be proud of it, “Be loyal to the royal that is in you, for you are the child of a King.” - Harold B. Lee
Remember to smile and enjoy life, no matter what hard times come, the Lord is always there and I can testify to you that he answers prayers and through faith in him your life can be changed. God lives, Jesus Christ lives and I'm so grateful for the love they have for me and for every person past present and future. I'm grateful for the atonement, knowing Christ has felt every bit of pain, sorrow, concern, self doubt, everything, and also taken upon himself all my sins. No one is perfect, Christ's grace is sufficient, as we do all we can do, to be the best we can be. Remember God and Jesus Christ love you, you are never alone and you are incredible! and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
- Jennadene Ryan xo
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