Last Friday night we had our District activity at Elder and Sister Howells, it was awesome. We got there and Elder Howell showed us around the house and all the things they have collected as they traveled the world together! There was a room just for hats from all over the world, naturally of course we all got so many photos trying on different hat's and things. After the hat wearing and photo taking, we gathered around for pizza, cleaned up and then it was time for the main reason we had the District Activity to start with, we made Dream Catchers! It was awesome and they all turned out so beautifully! I can now make dream catchers and it's an awesome thing to know how to make, they look so complicated, but it's actually pretty easy! Time went by so quickly and before we know it, it was time to head home. It was awesome being in a home though, eating dinner, having fun, bonding together and becoming more united at a District. We had so much fun and now we all have so many inside jokes from that one night, it was so great!
So anyone who knows me, knows that I am terrified of needles and I was so happy that I got all my needles done before my mission and I wouldn't have to get any more... Well, I was wrong. This week the whole mission had to get flu shots and I was so terrified! Sister Pipe wasn't going to get hers, but she loves me so much that she decided to get it with me so I wasn't alone. I did it though and I was brave through it! I didn't even cry! I'm slowly conquering my fear... But I did it! just to share my ridiculous miracle with you.
So this past Sunday we knew we had a special guest coming and everyone was speculating who was going to come to this mission fireside. The Piano Guys were in town and some other people, maybe a General Authority, all these ideas being thrown around, after Sacrament they kept us for an announcement saying that our special guest for our Mission Fireside would be... David Archuleta! Of course, naturally a mission full of Sisters we all gasped, trying to be as reverently excited as we could be. Everyone was so excited! so 6:45 came and some Return Temple Square Missionaries came and covered the Square for us with their tags on and everything and we wen to one of the Theaters all eagerly awaiting the Fireside to start. It started and we were told that the night would be a combination of him performing for us as well as a Q&A style. It was amazing, being able to talk with him like that and really see how his mission changed him. It was cool, this being the second time seeing him on my mission. We asked him questions about after the mission and about during the mission, about his music and you can see how the gospel was centered in everything that he did. He sung "Glorious" from Meet the Mormons, "Hark, All Ye Nations" in Spanish and English and also "I'm trying to be like Jesus". I think the greatest thing I learnt from that night is what type of person I want to be after my mission and what commitments I'm going to make to the Lord to help me stay strong, to help me always be a missionary in my heart, even if I don't have a tag (though I have a long time to even worry about that) also alot about the enabling power of the atonement, and about giving all that we have, even if we don't see the end result of that hard work. It was a really great night! A very edifying and spiritually uplifting night. We closed by seeing Temple Squares version of Called to Serve and he and his accompanist loved it so much and after the prayer, zone by zone we got photos with him. When it was my zones turn, everyone was trying to stand next to him and I was just standing awkwardly not knowing what to do or where to go, just looking towards the camera and then all of a sudden he walks up next to me and stands ready for the photo and says "I don't know how close I should be standing next to all these Sister Missionaries" it was so funny! He is so shy and timid and though his voice is powerful, his manner is very different. We all shook hands and thanked him for coming and sharing with us things about before, during and after his mission and I got to tell him how I saw him in the MTC and he was surprised that I remembered it, as if he was just some Return Missionary who wasn't world famous or anything.
I just started reading the Book of Mormon again for the 3rd time this year and I have a goal to finish it by the end of the year. The first time I read it was in 29 days mainly for history, names, stories, etc. The second time was when I first got to Temple Square and that took my about 5 months, reading it pertaining missionary work and helping investigators. This time is different again, my goal is 3 months and my view this time is focusing on how the Book of Mormon truly is another Testament of Jesus Christ. While reading it I have been marking every time it mentions "the Lord" or a name or title of Jesus Christ. I am only in 2 Nephi and my whole view of the Book of Mormon has changed, it really is so centered on Jesus Christ and sometimes as we read we don't recognize w ho is giving the commands or how frequently the Lord is telling someone to do something etc. I look and I just see yellow all over the pages and just that alone has changed my heart. I already loved the Book of Mormon, but my love for it continues to increase as I read looking for things about my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I know the Book of Mormon to be another Testament of Jesus Christ and I know that it contains his teachings and is physical evidence of the Restoration of the Gospel. I know through the Book of Mormon we can find answers to the questions of the soul and find peace and joy in a way like no other as told in John 14:27. I invite you to read it, ponder it, look for those things that testify of Jesus Christ, ponder and sincerely pray and you will receieve your answer. If you have read it before, read it again and again. I promise new things will come to you each time as I have learnt so much on my mission.
Not much new is happening in the ways of investigators, but Brenda is getting Baptized next week and Lyle had to put back his date a week due to work conflicts with the guy baptizing him, but it is all so exciting! Holly is doing incredibly and hopefully we will be calling her soon! She is up to 3 Nephi and feels that the Book of Mormon is true, she is loving everything we have to share with her and really doing all she can to live the gospel. The lord truly does prepare people to hear the gospel, I have such a strong testimony of that! Got back in contact with Richardo and Irene! and also been talking with John and helping him progress towards baptism. We have a few new investigators that we are excited to work with and people we are excited to get in touch with also.
The work is great and it is hastening on. This is the Lord's time and this is His work and how wonderful it is! I feel so blessed to be called to serve in a mission where I get to teach all nations like it has always been my dream to do. I love this work, I love my Saviour Jesus Christ and I love being a Temple Square Sister Missionary where we not only represent The Lord and our Families, but also our Country. I love knowing that the Gospel reaches all nations far and wide. The Church is true, I know it with all that I have and if you don't I promise that through study and prayer you can come to know also as I promised before.
I love you all, but the Lord loves you more!
Love, Sister Ryan xx
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