This was such a big week I can't even believe that it all happened! This past week was CONFERENCE! The best weekend on the mission for Temple Square Sisters. But it doesn't just start at conference, but the day before!
Friday: We (and 2 other companionship's) were asked to represent Temple Square in assisting service to the General Authorities in setting up their lunch for the big training they had, basically every quorum of the Seventy, Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary presidency were there and also many of the Quorum of the 12... It was so much fun setting up, I felt like I was outbound again serving the way I used to and it was absolutely amazing!
When all was set up, they came in and the Spirit they carried with them just hit you like a ton of bricks! We got to shake hands with a lot of the Seventies, Elder D Todd Christofferson came up and talked to us multiple times and shook our hands. We also saw many others of the twelve and when the Relief Society, Yong Women and Primary Presidencies came up to us and gave us all hugs, talking about the Womens conference. Carole M. Stephens came up to me and I thanked her for her talk and told her that I received life changing revelation from it, she hugged me and told me how cute I was and just was so grateful to hear that it made a difference. I also got to see some area seventies from back home as well which just filled my heart with so much joy!
It was just amazing and I was so grateful for the opportunity to serve in that way, even if it was just seeing if anyone needed more water and then clearing their tables and their uneaten brownies! It was the most amazing way to start my conference weekend, I was on an absolute spiritual high, just couldn't even imagine it! All day it was a case of "what just happened?". Then later that day we met and talked with Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Twelve and Elder Don R. Clarke of the Seventy. I know that every single person in that room at that lunch was called of God to be in the position they are serving in, to lift and inspire the people needed. I loved it so much, I am so grateful for the organization of the church and for the knowledge I have of God being the same Yesterday Today and Forever in calling prophets, seers and revelators.
Saturday: First Day of Conference and it was amazing! We met so many incredible people, converts, life long members, teens, future missionaries, cute couples, return missionaries that just got home, families, less-actives working on coming back, it was just incredible. I know that every single person we met and talked with needed what we had to say and we needed what they had to say, to hear their testimonies and their stories, to hear their love for the gospel and what they have learnt from Conference so far.
The best encounter that we had was a couple of senior missionaries serving in Ogden area, The Sister was a Jewish Convert to the church and once we found that out, it was the most amazing thing ever! Both Sister Christensen and I love Jewish Culture History, to the point we both want to learn Hebrew and learn more about the cultures and traditions because"Mormons are Jews with Jesus!" We said "Shalom" and "Manishma!" we sung "50,000 Yemenites coming home!... My heart is dancing in Jerusalem!..." which apparently nearly every Jewish person knows and loves (I look forward to the day I can learn the rest of the song, haha).
She was the sweetest thing in the world, giving us a million and one hugs and kisses, she was so amazing and so sweet! We felt such a connection to her, hearing her story and her love for the Gospel, her excitement to be a missionary and to be here at General Conference. She told us that she knows we were sent her to help the Jews come closer to knowing their Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, in their Messiah, knowing He has come! It was such a huge complement to us, hearing that, especially from a Jewish person.
I can't put in words how happy I was and how filled with joy my heart was. I know that all the scriptures of the Jews coming to know the truth of these things will happen, it's already happening, as there are already so many amazing Jewish Converts to the church, my trainer being one of them and also my Zone Leader outbound and many more I have had the amazing opportunity to be acquainted with.
Sunday: We had the opportunity to attend Music and the Spoken word along with the Sunday Morning Session of General Conference! As I had invited people all week to prepare for conference and pray and have questions, I do did that and I received my answers, in ways I didn't expect, not so much like in my last email from the Women's session of Conference, but the answers were there and I knew there was a reason I had to be in that session of Conference and I was so grateful for it. I loved every single one of the talks, they were all incredible and extremely quotable. Every single one of them had an impact on my heart as I listened and listened to the Spirit, I know there were things written in my study journal that were not said, and it's incredible to know that through their revelation as to what to say, we too can receive personal revelation to apply it into our own lives. Just knowing the importance of the Temple, to begin with and love and trust the basics, even the songs we sing in Primary, to just remembering that "life is not confined to a 4 inch screen", remembering to always be in awe of the Gospel and the blessings it brings, knowing that we are all along the same path, no matter who we are, where we have been, we are all on the same path returning to our Heavenly Father and how it is made possible through Jesus Christ, that all we have to do is hold on, just hold on when times get tough and we will be delivered by the one who can do all, also being able to trust in the Saviors grace and understanding what that even means! (aside from studying "His Grace is Sufficient" which is amazing if you haven't heard or read it, check it out).
I can double testify of what Jeffery R Holland said "He still extends unending grace, although He extends it with pierced palms and scarred wrists." I have truly felt of that not only in my life but on my mission. I am so grateful for my Savior who did what he did in the Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary and at the Tomb. I know that He Lives and that he loves us, He wants to help us in every aspect of our lives and wipe away the tears we shed when things get a little tough. I was reminded of my testimony of the Savior as we sung "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" as I really listened to the words and how they applied to me, it hit my heart with such force and I know it, I know it so greatly and I'm so grateful that I get the opportunity to bear testimony of that every day! I love love Jesus Christ, he is my big brother, redeemer and friend. We all are working our ways to coming closer to Him, I may be a missioanary, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect, we all still have things we need to work on and as we take it day by day, the enabling power of His atonement will kick in and help us change to become more like Him.
I got to see Andrew and Ashley from Outbound! I got to see the amazing Sister Hadfield that served in Tasmania and that I love so dearly, to see the lovely Jacque and David, it was amazing and have re-confirmed to us that we are here to find and help the Jews come to know their Savior and Redeemer! Conference weekend couldn't have been better!
I love the gospel so much, I love knowing that it has been Restored by a prophet in it's fullness, I love knowing that Jesus Christ is always there for me when I stumble or fall, when I'm struggling a little or when I'm having a hard day, or even an amazing day! I love being able to bear testimony of these truths that have been restored and many others, such as the Book of Mormon, Temples, the Family, all these things. I love being a missionary and I love being able to represent Jesus Christ at this time in teaching His gospel to all nations. I love this work and I will forever be a missionary!
I invite you all to catch up or to read/watch General Conference with questions in your heart, I promise it will change everything as you have a sincere desire to learn and to grow. "The Lord can only teach an inquiring mind"
Love, Sister Ryan xx
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