What can I say? My life as a missionary was changed forever this week!
I stand with Elder Jörg Klebingat Of the Seventy when he said in his talk Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence"Become really, really good at repenting thoroughly and quickly. Because the Atonement of Jesus Christ is very 'practical, you should apply it generously 24/7, for it never runs out. Embrace the Atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance as things that are to be welcomed and 'applied daily according to the Great Physician’s orders.Establish an attitude of ongoing, happy, joyful repentance by making it your lifestyle of choice. In doing so, beware of the temptation to procrastinate,and don’t expect the world to cheer you on. Keeping your eyes on the Savior, care more about what He thinks of you, and let the consequences follow. Spiritual confidence increases when you voluntarily and joyfully repent of sins, both small and great, in real time by applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
We had so many amazing training's this week, we had Missionary Leadership Council, then we had training from the Missionary Department, 2 for the leaders in the mission and 1 for the whole mission.
I won't lie, to begin with I was completely overwhelmed. At first I just thought of everything I was doing wrong as a missionary and it seemed hopeless that I could improve and be the missionary that the Lord needs me to be to keep pace with His hastening of the work like it says in Doctrine and Covenants 88:73 "Behold, I will hasten my work in its time."
I won't lie, to begin with I was completely overwhelmed. At first I just thought of everything I was doing wrong as a missionary and it seemed hopeless that I could improve and be the missionary that the Lord needs me to be to keep pace with His hastening of the work like it says in Doctrine and Covenants 88:73 "Behold, I will hasten my work in its time."
That time is now and we must keep pace, members and full-time missionaries together.
There is so much we can be doing to assist the Lord in this work, but what are we willing to do to change that and to become what He knows we can be, to reach our full potential as disciples of Jesus Christ?
One thing that I had a testimony of and experienced conversion to this week was Repentance, and I know that might sound weird, because I'm a missionary, I'm not going out there sinning or doing anything crazy, I'm obedient, I strive to be exactly obedient in all things, and I strive to do everything that the Lord would have me do, but as it says in Preach My Gospel and also in the Bible Dictionary"The Greek word of which this is the translation denotes a change of mind, a fresh view about God, about oneself, and about the world." This week I came to understand why it is so important, I knew before but this week it REALLY hit me!
I stand with Elder Jörg Klebingat Of the Seventy when he said in his talk Approaching the Throne of God with Confidence"Become really, really good at repenting thoroughly and quickly. Because the Atonement of Jesus Christ is very 'practical, you should apply it generously 24/7, for it never runs out. Embrace the Atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance as things that are to be welcomed and 'applied daily according to the Great Physician’s orders.Establish an attitude of ongoing, happy, joyful repentance by making it your lifestyle of choice. In doing so, beware of the temptation to procrastinate,and don’t expect the world to cheer you on. Keeping your eyes on the Savior, care more about what He thinks of you, and let the consequences follow. Spiritual confidence increases when you voluntarily and joyfully repent of sins, both small and great, in real time by applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
It is through repentance that we can come to know our Savior, it is through His enabling power that I have been able to be changed (Mosiah 4:10-12). I as have repented, I truly felt that forgiveness, and some how it has brought me so much closer to Him. I don't know how it works, but I know that I have been looking to come closer to Him for a long time and through that enabling power of the Atonement, in having Him change me over time to become what He would have me be. Not seeing it while it was happening, but being able to look back and realize that I have really been changed, I have become more like Him. I have developed Christ-like attributes that I have been striving to develop my whole mission. The things that stopped me from being a Saint and fed my Natural Man are going away and I have been able to use repentance in that, in being who He would have me be (Mosiah 3:19). I am no where near perfect! But I am grateful for the Lord teaching me and howing me the way, in giving me the opportunity to develop these attributes i have prayed for and studied long and hard to develop.
When we look at repentance, most of us often look at it as scary, painful, depressing and something that is just too hard to do, this week I really came to know how it is one of the most joyful principles in all the gospel! It is something to be excited about, something to look forward to, something to crave and constantly have and do at all times. As I was feeling overwhelmed with everything I took a step back and got on my knees for a long time and really told my Father in Heaven exactly how I was feeling about everything I had learnt and everything that I was feeling, not knowing how to apply it all. I was reminded of what I had mentioned in the meeting that morning about Repentance when the question came up "Are you willing to repent, change and teach more effectively the Savior's way? Why do you think Elder Bednar used the word repent?" I had used the previous statement mentioned about how repentance is a fresh view and how we need to have a fresh view on missionary work and on the way we teach so that we can change and become more like the Savior. The next day was part 2 of the training and my heart was so open to everything that was said, I had no fear and I was excited to apply all that I had learnt on the square, especially because I had exchanges and it would be great to apply it with a sister in my district.
I found myself looking for what faith and repentance look like in people and doing all I could to understand why God brought them here to Temple Square, we met guest and members and I found the way I contacted and taught people so different than what I ever had before. My thoughts were directed to not only my purpose as a missionary, but Gods purpose as stated in Moses 1:39 "For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man."
What does God want for people who come to Temple Square? It's very simple, that answer being, Eternal Life. Sure, he wants them to have a spiritual experience, learn about the Atonement, or the temple, or eternal families, he wants them to read the Book of Mormon and come to know these things for themselves, but all those things are means to an end. We need to be thinking about the BIG picture, to not forget that end, to really start with the end in mind. To have in our minds at all times, how do we help this child of God, our brother or sister, come onto the path, that leads to Eternal life?
There are so many things that I want to study an implement in my daily missionary work and I know it will take time, prayer, repentance, diligence to do so. But I love my Savior so much and I love His work. I want to keep pace with His hastening, so I have to step it up! Because "If we always do what we have always done, then we will always get what we have always gotten".I need to change, to use the Atonement and to really apply it in my life and in my missionary work in a way I have not before.
I have talked many times about these "doors to the Atonement" that I continue to open in my mission and I have found another! The door to Repentance that leads to a fresh view of ourselves, the world and God and enables change within ourselves through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. None of this would be possible without the Savior, we need him if we are going to achieve anything, because this is His work! He is more than capable of doing it, yet he gives us the sacred privilege in assisting him (Mosiah 26:15 & 2 Nephi 27:20-21) therefore, we must do it in His way.
I feel so much closer to my Savior and I feel it's become I am truly striving to become as He is, and that is made possible through repentance, through study, prayer and having Him apply the atonement in my life (Mosiah 4:2). And I know it's possible for everyone else. He is the great physician and He will give us the guidance we need to be healed, in all ways.
I love the gospel and I love the doctrine of repentance and how truly beautiful it is! I love the Book of Mormon and I love this work, there is so much more that I learnt this week, about commitment keeping, extending invitations and how it all comes together, but this is what I feel needs to be shared today and thank-you for taking the time to read my lengthy email.
I invite you to really ponder about the things you need to have a fresh view on, maybe it's home teaching, visiting teaching, member missionary work, prayer, studying the Book of Mormon, whatever it may be! and to really repent, to seek that fresh view and to apply the atonement so you can be the Disciple of Christ he knows you are capable of becoming.
I love you all, thank-you.
Love, Sister Ryan xx
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