Transfer 3 Week 5

This transfer has seriously flown by, when they said it gets quicker and quicker I didn't realize how true it was until now, and I've only been out for a few very short months! But at the same time feels like I've always been a Temple Square Sister Missionary, which is an awesome feeling, we may have the smallest geographical mission in the world, but realistically, the world is our mission and I love that so much! I love meeting people from all over the world and helping them come to a knowledge of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This week will be a smaller email than usual, a whole bunch happened (but at the same time, not really..), I continued to be Mum for Sister Turro as she recovered from her wisdom teeth extraction, giving medication, making sure she rests enough and making sure she doesn't eat anything she shouldn't etc. So there wasn't too much time on the Square until later this week, which has been really great now that we are back in action. We have met a lot of great members and people who have served in Australia or are from Australia and it's been really awesome talking about how much better the burgers are back home (pineapple, egg, beetroot, cheese, onion, lettuce, etc), how beautiful it is and how much they miss it and want to go back. Some even know some of my friend because they live where they served or served with them which has been pretty awesome. The world is such a small place when you're at the head quarters of the Church.
HAPPY PIONEER DAY FOR YESTERDAY! (It's a Utah thing), as a mission we got to go to the parade as well, which was so awesome and so much fun! The only Parade in the world that would start with an opening prayer, it was so epic! I love being in Salt Lake City! I loved seeing all the floats from Stakes around Salt Lake City areas and all the marching bands and how much spirit was in the parade, it was great fun! We even got ticketed seats paid for us by some VIP, which was so sweet and lovely of them whoever they are, so by the off chance you see this, thank you so much! I got so many photos and would have gotten more but my battery died 1/3 of the way through, but it's okay, it was so exciting there was so much happening and President Thomas S. Monson was in the Parade too! Which was super awesome!
This week even though we haven't been able to do too much was one of the best weeks we have had together in the ways of teaching lessons and different things, it has been really awesome to see our investigators work towards coming to know these things for themselves, even if it is only over email or the phone. Some are a little up in the air and one even almost dropped us recently, but I know that as we have faith all things are possible in the Lord and I really hold to that. Faith is so important, without faith, nothing happens, nothing works. Like in Ether"For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith. Behold, it was the faith of Alma and Amulek that caused the prison to tumble to the earth. Behold, it was the faith of Nephi and Lehi that wrought the change upon the Lamanites, that they were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost. Behold, it was the faith of Ammon and his brethren which wrought so great a miracle among the Lamanites." - Ether 12:12-15
It is through faith and through doing all that we can, we see those things happen, we see the gospel change their lives, no matter how familiar or not they may be with it.
Nothing "incredible" is happening at the moment, no people are on date for baptism or anything like that, but people are reading the Book of Mormon, they are praying, trying to get to church, trying to recognize the Spirit and have these things in their hearts, and it's these simple steps that make a big difference when it comes down to accepting the gospel into their lives and wanting to make a difference in their lives by coming unto Christ through Faith, Repentance, Baptism, receiving the Gift of The Holy Ghost an Enduring to the End.
I look around Temple Square and I see the thousands of people that come a day and I look and just think "these are all my brother's and sister's, these are all children of God and they all need the gospel of Jesus Christ and I have been called to serve here as a missionary because He trust me enough to bring them back to Him in someway or another" these people are prepared, some people just need a little more time than others to have their eyes completely opened to the gospel. But I know that not a single effort is wasted. Because it may be our testimony that touches their heart and when they get back home and have the missionaries knock on their door, they will open it an accept it because of the Spirit they felt here on Temple Square.
The work is hastening on more than every before! I know that the church is true with all that I have, that through Holy Temples families can be together forever, that it is His plan for us, that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, that Joseph Smith was called as a prophet of God to bring forth the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days, that modern day revelation is alive and well, that we have a living prophet Thomas S. Monson on the earth today and that God will continue to reveal his word always through Prophets. All things are possible through our savior Jesus Christ and noting will stop the work from pressing forward! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and our prayers are not only heard but answered through the Holy Ghost. I know that God loves me by the way the roses bloom, by the blue of the sky, but the green of the trees and the birds that chirp and fly around the beautiful grounds of the Temple, the love I feel when I count the many blessings I have been given in my life no matter how great or how small. I know that no matter what we go through we are never alone, the Savior is always by our side and He understands us and knows us perfectly. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love you all, I hope all is well, Keep smiling, Stay amazing. 
Sister Ryan xx

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