Transfer 1 Week 3‏

I even hit my month mark of being on the mission on Wednesday, I don't even know where the time went.

Hey Everyone!
Yep, it's week 3 already, I don't even know where the time went, but so much happened in the last week! so I will commence and tell you a few of my highlights and such.

- I got my first solid investigator on the Square! His name is Bruce and we met him in the North Visiting Center, we started chatting to him and we taught him the Restoration on spot, it was incredible before we could even invite him to do anything he asked us to pray with HIM! and he asked US for a Book of Mormon!!! He was so receptive to everything we had to say and so willing to learn, his faith in God and Jesus Christ is incredible and he is just so prepared, he is reading the Book of Mormon daily and he has told us that it has made him happier and that he has more of a smile on his face now, that days are easier as he reads the Book of Mormon, he is incredible! He told us that when he went to the Christus he had this overwhelming feeling and he freaked out because he had no idea what it was and he thought he was getting sick or something because it consumed him but he continued to say it wasn't a bad feeling, it was good, but I was scared because I had no idea what it was. We bore testimony to him that what he felt was the spirit and that the spirit testifies of truth and that the feeling he had was God telling him he was in the right place and he was doing the right thing, he explained he had the same feeling as he talked with us and it was incredible! ARGH, can't even put it in words, just amazing.

- I took some Aussies on a tour! It was so awesome, at first it was really hard to bring in doctrine and we were thinking "oh no, this is just turning into a history tour" but then we got to the Assembly Hall and started teaching the Restoration and it went really well, they were really open and in the end wanted to find out even more and so we gave them cards with on the back and one of them even wanted to read the Book of Mormon, another wants to listen to the audio of it! It was awesome, I love teaching by the spirit, it's the only way to teach, any other way and it is not of God (D&C 50:13-22).

- I saw Lauren McKenzie on her way to the MTC, she came and found me! It was the most incredible thing ever! It was so good to see her, I hadn't seen her since NYE YSA convention. I didn't even know she was coming to Salt Lake early! It was the best surprise ever! She is so beautiful and the light of Christ just shines through her, Kobe, Japan, get ready for some amazing missionary coming your way!

- Temple Square sacrament meetings are the best, we have them in the chapel in the Jospeh Smith Memorial building and I don't care what you say, it is the most beautiful chapel I've ever been into or ever seen and probably will ever see!

- I was part of a proposal!!!! I know right, like what?! I mean of course, I'm on Temple Square but it was crazy, the guy asked me to take a picture of him and his girlfriend and of course I said yes (because we are basically photographers on Temple Square too) and then we get in position for a nice angle and then BAM! He is on one knee and she like like "What! I knew you where going to do this! NO! Are you serious!" (Stuff like that) it was pretty funny, and in the mean time I'm just being photo happy and taking photos like there is no tomorrow and it was crazy, next thing girlfriend went to fiance. They were so super cute and they looked so happy! Put me in a good mood for the rest of the day, I love seeing that stuff, just makes my testimony grow on forever families and such. Seeing weddings all the time is pretty awesome, I try not to get too crazy in looking at all the dresses but it's hard you know! They are all so beautiful! (the Brides too of course) This past Saturday there were about 60 weddings apparently, just mental I tell you!

- Met someone from the UK on chat and we called her and we made this awesome instant connection, we were like freaking out over each others accents and Sister Magidson is just laughing at both of us, it was pretty awesome. She is fantastic and her family means so much to her, I'm really excited to call her again and teach her more, especially about eternal families, she is wonderful!

- I saw Linda K Burton yesterday, yep, that's right the General Relief Society President, and she and her husband said hi and was waving to Sister Magidson and I, and it was super cool! Just fan-girling over general authorities, you know how it is, haha.

My testimony just increases every day here, it is incredible, my morning studies are so full of the spirit and I'm reading the Book of Mormon again and it's crazy how much more I'm learning and noticing while reading this time round!  My testimony of scheduling and planning with the spirit has increased! When we stick to our plan (that we set by the spirit the night before) we meet truly remarkable people, and have remarkable experiences. I love planning, I know it sounds nerdy, but it's so great! We plan our hours of 3 places we want to go and an inspired question or scripture we want to share and it's crazy what happens when we stick to it, we are not perfect, but we are working on it. 2 examples

1. Danielle, she is a member who is coming back from being less-active and she had been thinking "I have all these questions, but I don't want to waste the Sisters time" and we feel inspired to go up and talk to her, (in the place we had planned to go during this hour) we have a spirit filled and inspired convocation full of the exact things she needs to hear, we help her in things we didn't even know that was wrong, encourage and uplift her, help her feel the spirit, help her feel the love of her Heavenly Father and of Jesus Christ, and invited her to read a few scriptures (Nephi 4) that would help her in her particular situation and ask her to apply the things they (Nephi) applied when in a situation similar. It was exactly what she needed at that exact moment.

2. Anja, she is recent convert wanting to serve a mission and we had planned to use the scripture Ether 12:27 during this hour and she shares with us that Ether 12:27 is the scripture that has been keeping her strong when hard times come, it was just mind blowing and even crazier, I had read D&C 10:5 in my studies that morning, it didn't even have anything to do with what I was studying but she started talking about praying for strength and guidance to help her over come he adversary etc. WHAT! Yep, this actually happened.

Everything works perfectly and Heavenly Father knows exactly where he needs us at the exact right time for the exact right person. He has everything planned to the finest of details, like a beautiful and intricate woven blanket that He works thread by thread with every detail possible. He is all knowing and all powerful and He knows who needs who to come unto Christ. Member or Non-Member.

I love this gospel so much, I can't even begin to express the happiness I feel being here serving the Lord with all I have. My testimony constantly grows of this beautiful gospel and I am so grateful for everything that makes it what is it today, I'm so grateful for a young man, Joseph Smith and everything he sacrificed so that we can have the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today, to have Christ's restored gospel today. For the Book of Mormon and the fullness it contains. My appreciation for every single pioneer, for every single prophet and apostle intensifies as I look at the marvels of Temple Square and how dedicated they were to making this holy land, for every brush stroke and every piece of carved wood, every piece of granite in the Salt Lake Temple, there is so much  more to the temple than I ever noticed before and my greatest wish is for all to come and touch the walls of the temple, look at the detail and love that has been put into the House of the Lord.  It it's self is a representation of the love the Lord has for us. I love knowing I am here every day, to walk on this holy ground and I have never seen so many beehives in my entire life! (that is another story), I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, I'm so grateful for the beautiful atonement made so that we, if we come unto Christ can live with our loving Heavenly Father again. I love my companion, we laugh every day, we love each other and are so united in all we do, we support and uplift one another, even if she did give me a cold, haha. But seriously she is such a massive blessing to me and I feel so blessed and lucky to have Sister Magidson as my trainer, when people told me I had the best trainer I had no idea how right they were. The Lord is all knowing and knew we would be perfect for one another, to work together in bringing his children back with Christ by our side. I know this is Christ restored gospel on the earth today, we are scattered throughout the world and are armed with righteousness! (1 Nephi 14:14) Never give up on what you know to be true, and if you don't know it to be true, I encourage you to read the Book of Mormon with that question in heart and pray to know with all you have that it is true. I testify to you that it is and that you will receive an answer through the Holy Ghost, with peace, love and joy in your heart that it is true. And even if you already have a testimony continue to strengthen it and continue to read, continue to pray and you will feel the blessings beyond measure in your life. I know I have certainly seen them in mine.

I love you all and appreciate every inch of support I receive, Thankyou for the wonderful blessing you are in my life.

I love you all, Love Sister Ryan xx
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