Transfer 10 Week 3

This week so much but so little happened! 

It was really amazing though, our investigators are finally starting to progress and really come to know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, truly is Jesus Christ restored church on the earth. 
They are really feeling that God is listening to them as they pray, finding comfort through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, getting excited to meet with local missionaries and go to church, loving reading the Book of Mormon, praying with faith and sincerity. 

I also found out that one of my recent converts is being the best missionary ever and is baptizing everyone he loves, first his girlfriend, and now he is baptizing his Mum tomorrow which we are excited to learn more about how it all came to pass and how everything fell into place! He plans on going on a mission next year! He loves the gospel so much, He knew that the Book of Mormon was true and had no doubts about it before he was baptized, his date was actually pushed up a week because he was that ready! It really has been such a testimony to me of something I said a while ago; "You can count the seeds in the apple, but you can't count the apples from the seeds".

There is really not much I can say besides the fact that I love being a missionary, I love doing the Lords work, I love teaching and testifying every day to people who are looking for the Gospel, even if they don't realize it yet. I love being able to teach about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and see the eyes of people change as they are filled with hope, love and the light of Christ. I love walking in the shadow of the Temple and being able to testify of the Spirit there. 

The Book of Mormon truly changes lives, it creates something within us that brings us so much closer to God that really helps us have the desire to do no more evil, but to do good continuously." (Mosiah 5:2). It changes us as we apply the doctrines and principles contained in the Book of Mormon, as we really put ourselves into these stories of their time. I'm currently in Alma and just seeing the missionaries and the way they carry out their work is inspiring. Like the Sons of Mosiah that were imprisoned in Middoni, once free and ready, they went back out to declare the world! It didn't matter how hard it was or what they are previously been through, they pushed on, they carried on because it pained them that any creature would "perish in unbelief" (Mosiah 28:3). The Lord comforted them (Alma 17:10, Alma 26:27) and they were strengthened by the Lord and I have seen that my whole mission. The Lord carries us so much more than we realize and I know it is only because of Him that I have been able to have the mission I have had, to behold the marvelous experiences that the Lord has blessed me with. 

Everything comes back to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, everything. I have really learnt that in my mission, it's so much grander than what we realize or can even comprehend with our earthly minds. It encompasses everything we do and everything we have. There is no way possible I could ever pay back the Savior for what He did and Heavenly Father for giving Him to us, but i can show my love and appreciation by doing all I can, by serving others which is me serving Him (Mosiah 2:17). I can keep the commandments, be accountable through prayer, study the words He has given us in the scriptures and also from Old and Modern day Prophets. I can strive to develop Christ-like attributes and use the atonement as I repent daily, in coming closer to Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father through that (Mosiah 4:10-12). 

I honestly just want you all to know that I know that the church is true with all I have. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ Restored church on the earth today, and it happened because a humble boy had a question that he took to the Lord in sincere prayer, and that prayer changed the world as God again reached out in love for His children and called a living prophet on the earth today, Joseph Smith. I know the First Vision really happened and I know that it is through the power of God that the Book of Mormon was able to be translated. I stand with Elder Jeffery Holland as he quoted His great grandfather “No wicked man could write such a book as this; and no good man would write it, unless it were true and he were commanded of God to do so.”. 
Prophecies are being fulfilled, I have seen it an if you look they are all around us, I have seen things come to pass from the Book of Mormon and the Bible in my mission, especially prophecies like Isaiah 2:2! And it strengthens my testimony even greater seeing the scriptures and their truthfulness playing a role in my life (John 7:17) and I don't even know what is happening in the world! (and to be honest I love it that way) and so I am sure there are even more being fulfilled. 

I know this isn't the normal email I would usually send, but hopefully it's able to help or give comfort to someone. 

But I know there are people out there and it may even you, as you read this, that is struggling with something, if it be their testimony, their faith, their strength and their ability to just hold on, to just endure just a little longer... please just remember the One that is ready to catch you the one that still "extends unending grace, although He extends it with pierced palms and scarred wrists". You cannot fail with the Lord on your side, and though you may not understand what is happening now, I promise that he has the bigger picture and much greater things in mind and in store than you could ever imagine. Trust in Him... because in the end, He is the only one that perfectly knows and perfectly loves you and I invite you to come to know that for yourself. 

Turn to prayer and ask you Father in Heaven to make known to you His love and His care, I promise that as you open yourself to that and as you are willing to act on that love that is felt or shown, you will feel it so greatly. I know it because I have done it and I have had investigators that have been looking so long and He finally feels and knows that God is listening to His prayers and can feel that perfect love (Moroni 8:16). 

I love you all, but Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love you so much more! 

Love, Sister Ryan xx

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