Transfer 8 Week 4

It's that start of my last full week in California! I can't believe how past these past 3 months have gone. I will go back to Temple Square not this Wednesday but next, it's exciting! but also really sad. 
There is so much that I will miss about Outbound, but there is so much to look forward to for when I get back to Temple Square. 

Today we had a special Sisters P-day for 3 of the Zones and went on yet another Sunrise hike! (they are slowly killing me, but also extremely amazing) It wasn't nearly as hard as Mission Peak, but still a great experience, we also had a big breakfast with crepes and waffles and fruit and eggs and then we had a mental and physical health devotionals afterwards, it was incredible. 

This past week we had Zone Training Meeting and it was so inspiring and uplifting, we got to speed teach and really refocus ourselves on our purpose as missionaries, by looking at it in a new way and likening it to the 2000 Stripling Warriors. The Zone Leaders also invited our companionship to make a flag which was super awesome to do with the mission and our purpose and then we all signed it as a commitment to our purpose, like a title of liberty, it was awesome! Everyone wrote a note for someone else about why they were a successful missionary (anonymously) and it was empowering and inspiring to see how people see us as successful and what makes us successful as missionaries. The note I received I will treasure forever, whoever wrote it truly was prompted by the Spirit as to what I needed to hear and it was perfect. There was also many other things shared about finding new investigators and such which I will explain more later, because I'm running out of time. 

I just love this work, I love being a missionary and I love being able to learn all these things and be able to take them with me back to Australia to help build the kingdom of God there. It's amazing what I have learnt and applied and who I have become because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and more specifically the Atonement he performed. I love being surrounded by people who love and live the gospel, having general conversations about topic not understood or accepted by the world, being able to develop reality to things that can sometimes be hard to understand or comprehend. 
I know the gospel is true and I know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ restored gospel on the earth today, the church He established when he walked the earth. The Book of Mormon is a testament to this and of Jesus Christ and I will hold that precious and dear to me forever,  in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Love, Sister Ryan xx 

P.S - No photos this week because I can't plug them in, but I will send them next P-day! 

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